Example sentences of "were [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Koch 's attempt to promote immunity with extracts of the organism ( tuberculins ) were not crowned with therapeutic success .
2 Er everything depending on the the the the work of the farm would come to a standstill if erm if the horses y if they were not kept in good condition , they would n't be strong enough to keep on going every day .
3 As pesticides became more widely used by most farmers , ‘ organic ’ farming took on a broader meaning — the crops were not sprayed with synthetic pesticides either .
4 I once taught a student who claimed to believe in Satan but thought that demons were used by the biblical writers as a means of explaining the sources of diseases and mental illnesses that were not understood in modern medical terms .
5 The schedules proved to be acceptable , Their major drawback was length , perhaps inseparable from comprehensiveness , and the fact that in this exercise they were not integrated with normal agency practice and statutory six-monthly reviews .
6 The result of our review [ of funding ] , contrary to my expectations was that we were not under-resourced for Mental Illness Services .
7 As a further precaution , the addresses of Israeli staff were not printed in official diplomatic lists for fear of encouraging the impulsive gesture at a time when Israel was being a little hard to take .
8 They believed that it was wrong because Jesus was mixing with people who were not tolerated by strict Jews .
9 A low scan score correctly identified seven patients whose raised Crohn 's Disease Activity Index incorrectly indicated active disease because symptoms used in calculation of the index were not caused by active inflammation .
10 In each of these patients it was clear that the raised CDAI was caused either by the presence of symptoms which although contributin substantially tot he CDAI were not caused by active inflammation — for example , superimposed symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in three patients and subacute intestinal obstruction from fibrous stricture in two patients , or to symptomatic anaemia ( one case ) .
11 Long , regimented hours , more formal discipline and danger from unguarded machinery all imply differences in form and intensity which were not hidden from medical men who were familiar with the early factories .
12 Few results were expected ‘ from the bombing of these British spa and provincial towns ’ which were not seen as fitting retaliation for the destruction in Germany .
13 Prior to eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil , Adam and Eve were not troubled by ontological anxiety .
14 These are included for comparison as they were not tested for precise position-independent and copy-number dependent expression .
15 We tested for a mating preference for large crests by comparing the attractiveness of models with short crests to the same models with crest feathers lengthened ( Fig. 1 ) , using three models of each sex to ensure that responses were not biased by unique characteristics of any one specimen .
16 The millimetres , eighteen , were in the width of Hunt 's McLaren and the facts were not disputed by team-boss Teddy Mayer .
17 Blood urea nitrogen , heart rate , and respiratory rate were not related to 2-year survival .
18 ( Contractors ) Ltd [ 1972 ] 3 All ER 557 ( CA ) the question arose whether profits lost in consequence of physical damage were alone recoverable , or whether profits lost which were not related to physical damage were also recoverable .
19 The bursts of oesophageal contractions were not related to inappropriate lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations .
20 Several times they fell painfully on jagged rocks , so that they learned to move exceedingly slowly , edging forward and feeling for a foothold , and all the time they could not know whether they were not wandering in aimless circles and approaching no nearer to the security of the forest .
21 Finally , Nuadu had found his way to the strange twilight community of the Wolfwood ; the place that gave shelter to the half-breeds : the bastard sons of Royal Houses , the creatures who were not possessed of sufficient Beastblood to be acknowledged at Tara , but yet were not entirely Human .
22 With all due respect to those who intended to avail themselves of the free offer , the first two appointments were not met with sufficient organization to permit cost-effective equipment testing .
23 Following the inability to trace records of certain interviews and the fact that other important papers were not presented at previous hearings of this matter , the fire in the building where the former South Midland Area 's archives were temporarily housed pending re-organisation was particularly unfortunate and can only be thought of as an unhappy coincidence .
24 It had to be learnt , if we were not to turn into nervous wrecks .
25 English manuscript illumination , as we shall see , also developed some qualities of its own which were not determined by French models .
26 It was evident that both were sexually satisfied within their own needs and that Clive 's worries were not based on unsatisfied propensity for sex .
27 That was because they tended to imply that beliefs , laws , and principles were not based on eternal unchanging principles but were aspects of the type of society in which they occurred .
28 However , the survey also established that there were some contradictions : the favourable attitudes to wind turbines were not based on firsthand experience of windmills , and to a certain extent their positive response was based on the belief that wind power would be much cheaper than other sources ( since the fuel is free ! ) , a belief which in fact might not be the case at the current stage of development .
29 App. 332 a broker in Bombay entered into future delivery contracts for the purchase and sale of commodities in various foreign markets with parties outside British India , in which no delivery was ever given or taken , and the profits flowing from such contracts were not received in British India .
30 Although I have described the events in terms of the DUP 's success in displacing other Unionist groups , the leaders of the DUP were not fixed on personal aggrandizement at any cost .
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