Example sentences of "were [adv] [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was still predominantly a rural District and although the numbers of manual workers were slowly declining the full impact of mechanisation in agriculture , workshop and factory lay some years ahead .
2 Similarly , it seems only yesterday that we romantics were vigorously defending the vast technological resources invested in space research and travel .
3 The demographic acceleration of the second half of the century depressed them quite sharply , except in those areas in the North and Midlands where manufacturing change and expansion were locally creating a different labour market .
4 Many felt that the Committee members were merely providing a rubber stamp for Government decisions .
5 Others would share the view of many countrymen , that Sam and his family were merely taking a reasonable share of what the fells and waters surrounding their home offered them .
6 We were all having a furious argument about who should be there to land this enormous tip and while we were doing that , his Royal Highness sort of sneaked out and did n't give anything to any of us .
7 No in actual fact we were only saying the other day that , you know , sugar Viv ?
8 Besides , he had no sympathy with the Black and Tans ' methods — they were only making a bad situation worse .
9 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
10 This caused much grumbling and complaining , as the masons considered they were anyway fighting a losing battle against the castle 's accelerating decay without its guests adding to their workload .
11 I was at length summoned for interview , during which I was told that the War Office wished to fill a post of Instructor-cum-British Adviser at the Staff College and Royal Military College , Baghdad , Iraq , and that in order to reassure the Iraqi High Command that they were not sending a British ‘ plant ’ ( for relations between the two countries were strained ) , they asked the British Council to fill it .
12 To be sure they were not removing the very effect they were looking for , the researchers divided the children into groups on the basis of their lead levels .
13 By 1900 it must have been increasingly obvious that the policies of Frederick and Bismarck were not producing the desired effect .
14 Sefton 's consumer protection chief Tim Cox said : ‘ A recent survey showed that of 132 retailers visited , 12 per cent were not displaying the statutory sign .
15 He thought that though our advertising and promotion were good we were not publicising the true nature of the event , i.e. Salford graduates returning to tell of their experiences .
16 This eventuality was almost inevitable , given the independent , entrepreneurial spirit of Roche and many of the new consultants he appointed , who felt they were not receiving a fair share of the profits .
17 Central police were not naming the dead man last night .
18 This is certainly true of the Hundred Years War , and it is as well to remember that at Crécy , Poitiers , and Agincourt , although the English emerged as victors , on each occasion they were not entering the French kingdom to attempt its conquest , but were actually leaving it , heading for the coast in search of transport to take them back to England , the main aim of the expedition already fulfilled .
19 The schools lacked any concept of educational advancement and were not providing a popular education as the basis of a common citizenship nor as a matter of occupational utility .
20 ‘ . When the signatories said that he or she would be prepared to enter into a deed to formalise the situation , they were not postponing the legal effect of the document or reserving a final view but merely saying that they would be willing to do so if required , ie record in a more formal way the transactions which had already been made .
21 However , since the anticodon point mutations used in these cases were not affecting the three-dimensional structure of the tRNA-molecule nothing could then be said if the tRNA conformation was important to the recognition by the anticodon modifying enzymes .
22 BEFORE the Oakland Athletics began their American League Championship series against the Toronto Blue Jays it was said that the team had a crucial flaw : when their celebrated home-run hitters were not peppering the upper decks , the A 's supposedly found it tough to manufacture runs base by base with base hits , steals and sacrifice flies .
23 While they acknowledged severe staff shortages , increasing workloads and huge backlogs of work in the offices , they thought that the practice of sporadic strikes by staff were not having the desired effect on management , but were penalising the unemployed .
24 Thus , when John the Baptist and then Jesus spoke of the ‘ Kingdom of God ’ or the ‘ Kingdom of Heaven ’ they were not introducing a novel concept which needed explaining .
25 Nevertheless , for all their historical theorizing the liberals were concerned with power : they were not restoring a lost medieval constitution but meeting the potential absolutism of a restored monarchy with fundamental laws derived from contractualist political theory .
26 ‘ Supporting this theory , ’ Julie Flint concluded , ‘ is the fact that the Libyans arrested at Dakar were not carrying a radio-cassette bomb , as the Independent claimed , but component parts — ten detonators , 21 pounds of Semtex and several packets of TNT .
27 Peter Yeo , who had been watching his partners , realized that he and Tim were not carrying the other two and decided to make another effort .
28 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
29 The new men were not aping the landed gentry ; they were basing their careers upon the infrastructure provided by urban Britain .
30 It was clear beyond doubt that the jury were not treating the guilty plea as merely making the background accurate : but , on the contrary , after the judge 's direction in reply to their question , must have treated it as going to proof of the guilt of the appellant .
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