Example sentences of "were [verb] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many otters died after toxic chemicals were spilled into the river but its hoped the new otter homes will encourage hundreds to return .
2 There was a significant negative correlation between breath hydrogen excretion and mouth to caecum transit time suggesting that with shorter transit times significantly more carbohydrates were spilled into the colon .
3 Even if no more water were to flow into the aquifer , water would flow out , like the air from the tyre , until the pressure was no longer enough to lift the water above ground level .
4 In fact the Germans were firing into the air , although we did not realize it at the time , so there were no casualties .
5 No frogs developed if nuclei from adult frogs were placed into the egg .
6 A recent case on settlorship is Butler v Wilden 61 TC 666 where shares in effectively a shell company were placed into the names of two children who paid the appropriate price for the same but with the company being built up by two brothers Graham and Gary .
7 The investments were extremely profitable , however , and the companies were among the most successful in the country when they were nationalized into the NCB in 1947 .
8 And he took two boards and fitted them to the body , one to the breast and the other to the shoulders ; these were so hollowed out and fitted that they met at the sides and under the arms , and the hind one came up to the pole , and the other up to the beard ; and these boards were fastened into the saddle , so that the body could not move .
9 On the surrender of the abbey to the king 's commissioners in December 1539 , the buildings assigned ‘ to remain undefaced ’ were given into the custody of its former steward , Sir Edward Baynton , but all those ‘ deemed to be superfluous ’ were committed to Stumpe as Baynton 's deputy : they included the church , cloister , chapter house , dormitory , frater , and infirmary .
10 You were given into the care of people who reared you well . ’
11 A number of investigations were undertaken into the scale and direction of Partnership funding during the late 1970s ( Hall , 1978 ; Nabarro , 1980 ; Lawless , 1981a ) .
12 Bukharin was making clear the distinction between the period when means of production were gathered into the hands of certain groups , who then used them as capital and thereby began the process of the accumulation of capital , and reproduction o f capitalist relations of production .
13 Brown paint-streaked trouserlegs were tucked into the boots , and at the top the trousers ended in a scallop-shape where a hairy belly hung over in a loop , belly-button gaping .
14 Zahedis chateau Lafite and other vintage were pouted into the embassy fountain , and he was publicly denounced as having bribed congressmen and journalists with drugs and call girls .
15 Last year in Seoul diocese alone , more than one hundred thousand converts were received into the Church .
16 An aunt had been named as the testamentary guardian of the children but , through no fault of hers , was unable to care for them and they were received into the care of the local authority .
17 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
18 We were to go into the mountains and spend one night in tents before making our rendezvous the next day .
19 And how many officers were to go into the flat ?
20 When I woke in the morning , we were drawing into the bank .
21 Lighter spirits such as vodka and white rum had become more popular , the report said , along with a growing array of speciality spirits and spirit-based drinks , all of which were eating into the whisky market .
22 The Romanov family were marched into the basement of a house then turned to face a dozen executioners jostling in the doorway for room to shoot .
23 42 consecutive patients referred to the regional renal unit for management of acute renal failure ( serum creatinine >500 mol/L ) were enrolled into the study , which had been approved by the local medical ethics committee .
24 Metropolitan and other English detectives were seconded to Northern Ireland and a number of English recruits were enrolled into the RUC .
25 Her feet were plunged into the water .
26 In Germany even the most ‘ respectable ’ workers were pressed into the ranks of the proletariat by the distance which separated them from the bourgeoisie , and the strength of intermediate classes .
27 Instead of being directly involved , radical supporters were diverted into the groups where their thoughts could be sifted and selected at will .
28 Protective monocles were squeezed into the orbits of the combatants ' eyes .
29 Soon they were driving into the hospital car park .
30 They were driving into the city now , and she looked around her , seeing it with different eyes for the first time , seeing it as a garrulous old lady with so much to tell to anyone willing to listen .
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