Example sentences of "were [verb] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The language used by the president was also a shock to many , and the transcripts of the tapes were punctuated with the phrase " expletive deleted " .
2 In days of yore , such places were spattered with the blood of sacrificial victims to ensure good fortune in battle , and dunters are thought to be the spirits of these unhappy people .
3 The windows had been broken years ago but the railway company had boarded the frames up with wooden battens which were very effective ; they did however allow a view into the building and although the children could see in they were fascinated with the place and were happy playing in the cutting .
4 Regression coefficients and their standard error were calculated with a CYBER 855 computer for those variables which entered and remained in the regression equation .
5 Survival curves of the three histological groups were analysed according to the Kaplan and Meier method and the differences between these curves were calculated with the Mantle test .
6 The phylogenetic distances of the coxI protein from various eukaryotes were calculated with the program of ( 34 ) and Felsenstein 's ‘ PROTDIST ’ plus ‘ NEIGHBOR ’ ( Felsenstein , unpublished , 35 ) using 16 sequences from species including monocots , dicots , mosses , green algae , fungi and animals .
7 Raw data were used and geometric means and 95% confidence intervals were calculated with the confidence interval analysis ( CIA ) statistical package .
8 Chi-squared , Fisher 's exact , Student 's t , and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to detect significant differences among vaccine groups ; 95% confidence intervals ( CI ) for proportions were calculated on a logit scale and converted to the original scale , and 95% CIs for GMTs were calculated with the method of normal approximation .
9 This set off a major rebellion in which Russian settlements were sacked with a death toll of over 2,500 .
10 Every leg of every bed stood in a jar of water to frustrate the ruthless ants , while the ‘ hospital corners ’ of the bedding were aligned with a draughtsman 's precision — even though the linen , I noticed , was yellowish and patched .
11 The sequences were aligned with the aid of the computer program PILEUP ( UWGCG ) ; boxes enclose conserved residues and the consensus line indicates regions of exact homology .
12 In the reign of Henry VIII , Italian engineers had recovered Combe Marsh near Greenwich ; and under Elizabeth , Plumstead and Erith marshes by the Thames were drained with the help of Dutch engineers and workmen .
13 Wives were assisting with the lambing , looking after calves , and most probably administering drugs to young stock when needed .
14 There was a market down the centre , the stalls facing out , but the air and ground were polluted with the blood , dirt and ordure which ran down from the shambles where the animals were slaughtered and the gore allowed to find its own channel .
15 ‘ If Chelsea were to proceed with the ground-share as it stands , the legal position of the development would be in doubt . ’
16 Two outer ring electrodes for excitation were placed with an interelectrode distance of 6 cm .
17 Further contracts for non-patented equipment were placed with the employer in 1983 and 1985 .
18 Early this week the boys were placed with the mother in the mother and baby home with the intention of rehabilitation to the mother .
19 The doors were fastened with a padlock which a child of five could have picked with a paper clip .
20 His lips were swollen with the heat , ugly to look at ; the line of burning began on his jaw and his fair neck was wealed and raw .
21 The replies to this question were interesting and were given with no prompting .
22 Artemis had sometimes taken this run when out with her cowardly cousins , although she would always jump the open ditch and hedge while her cousins were fumbling with the gate .
23 Hercules acquired through Athena an enormous bronze rattle made by Hephaistos , and with this he scared them from their coverts , then shot them down with arrows , the tips of which were poisoned with the blood of the Hydra .
24 He was in charge of a group of MSC workers who were helping with the work .
25 But such was the genuine power of his personality that his persistent contention that these fasts were undertaken with the object of assisting his opponents to accept his point of view on its merits always received respectful attention , even as it became more and more evident , with the passage of time , that their success depended in actuality on the personal capital he had built up : he was too special , too revered , and eventually too important in the political consciousness of the Indian masses , to be allowed to die .
26 He indicated the fishing boat in the foreground , where the fishermen were struggling with a mass of unfurled canvas .
27 After successful laser recanalisation , patients were treated with a dose of 30–55 Gy in 10–20 fractions .
28 The most successful results were obtained when stains were treated with a stain remover and machine washed .
29 Cells were treated with a range of chemical and physical insults before analysis of mRNA ( Fig. 1 b ) and the pattern of induction of CL100 mRNA was compared with that for haem oxygenase , a gene transcriptionally induced in human cells by oxidant stress .
30 Several groups , each consisting of eight to 10 rats with gastric ulcers , were used in two series , A and B. In series A , group I rats were treated with vehicle ( saline , 1 ml given by intragastric route three times daily ) only ( control ) ; group II rats were given intragastric bFGF ( 3 , 30 , or 300 µg/kg/day in three equal doses , each dose dissolved in 1 ml of saline ) , group III rats were given bFGF by intraperitoneal injection ( 3 , 30 , or 300 µg/kg/day in three equal doses ) , group IV rats were treated with intragastric sucralfate ( added to drinking water ; 400 mg/kg/day ) ; group V rats were treated with a combination of intragastric bFGF ( 30 µg/kg/day in three equal doses ) plus sucralfate ; group VI rats were treated with intraperitoneal bFGF ( 30 µ/kg/day; in three equal doses ) ; and for comparison group VII rats were treated with omeprazole ( 60 mg/kg/day into the peritoneum in two equal doses each dissolved in 1 ml of saline ) .
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