Example sentences of "were [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The centralised technical control , exercised by the chief engineer 's department at headquarters , meant that the men who had accepted these posts were to find their room for independent and creative action significantly more constrained than was the case for their colleagues in the Area Boards .
2 ‘ Before the fight they were chanting my name for the first time and I could see the effect it had on Ruddock , his head was going down while my chest was swelling with pride .
3 They wore expensive suits and had the general air of men who 'd found the secret key to the money pump and were cranking its handle for all they were worth .
4 In 1948 , Francis Rogallo and his wife Gertrude were granted their patent for the flexible kite that has been credited so often as the origin of the ‘ modern ’ species .
5 Two Kurds were injured , one seriously , in a fire inside their locked room at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow airport a day after they were told their application for political asylum in Britain had failed .
6 Last season was the result of complacency among our players and the vengeful attitude of most of the league who thought the scum should have won the it and were getting their revenge for them .
7 As always the major attractions were romantic landscapes and the monuments of culture , but by the 1860s the British ( pioneers as usual ) were exporting their passion for physical exercise on to the mountains of Switzerland , where they were later to found skiing as a winter sport .
8 for , when they were having their sale for their sports and swimming pool or something
9 The difference was that these professionals were giving their time for free .
10 This morning in a surprise announcement Thames Water said they were deferring their application for planning by at least five years
11 Electoral studies of the period show that an increasing number of people were making their support for one or other of the main parties conditional upon the calculation of ‘ rational self-interest ’ or ‘ governmental competence ’ , rather than basing their voting upon a ‘ class reflex ’ .
12 But there will , of course , be no chance of that happening unless Britain were to show its enthusiasm for the project from the outset . ’
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