Example sentences of "were [verb] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Police and army vehicles were interspersed with civilians ' traps and tradesmen 's carts , the latter having to submit to careful scrutiny before being allowed to enter the Barracks square .
2 The attackers had shouted abuse at Mr Sheldon , his brother Peter , 18 , and Mr Cole , who were walking between friends ' houses in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh just before 2am .
3 The attackers had shouted abuse at Mr Sheldon , his brother Peter , 18 , and Mr Cole , who were walking between friends ' houses in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh just before 2am .
4 She watched with amazement as goats were pushed into guards ' vans ; she gazed with awe at the rough , dark faces that loomed in front of her out of the steam .
5 Industrial agreements on minimum wages were imposed by employers ' confederations , dominated by small firms , which set them ‘ at rates which employers could afford to pay ’ ( Kendall , 1975 p. 164 ) .
6 With independence from French colonial rule , most of these overseas banking operations were nationalised by LDCs ' governments .
7 After last week 's defeat by Aston Villa , doubts were raised about Rangers ' ability to stay the pace .
8 Social security funds for workers to be made redundant reached 1,800 million dinars , and 3,100 million dinars were apportioned for banks ' recovery .
9 The available reserves of its accumulated profit were reduced by workers ' demands , and by high taxation too , so that there was little money for the much-needed capital investment in new plant and machinery or for research and development .
10 This year , the Royal had nine overseas pavilions , but 51 countries were represented on exhibitors ' stands and , contrary to the impression of John Rennie 's piece , we sold 97% of the space to a record 1546 exhibitors .
11 Of the new candidates 60 were supported by citizens ' committees , 56 by the Polish Peasant Party ( PSL ) , nine by the Democratic Left Alliance ( SLD ) , four by the Centre Alliance ( PC ) , four by the Christian National Union ( ZChN ) , and two by the Confederation for an Independent Poland ( KPN ) .
12 I watched you make off along the cliff path , as if you were making for Otters ' Bay .
13 Standard examples were drummed into students ' heads .
14 Consequently , the following results were discovered for plaintiffs ' costs .
15 But , if equity shares or rights to them are to be issued in other circumstances , they first have to be offered to all equity shareholders in proportion to their holdings whether or not these were acquired as subscribers ' shares , bonus shares or pursuant to an employees ' share scheme .
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