Example sentences of "were [verb] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 You may have then had a verbal exchange with your next in line , but bar that you were expected to get on with the work .
2 Western practices and ideas were modified to fit in with Japanese reality — though there were periods when ‘ Westernization ’ was very much the vogue .
3 Unfortunately those officers were needed to help out with the incident at Milton Keynes … shortly before the display .
4 Ray Angel and Brian Hodgson were entrusted to come up with a suitably electronic-sounding voice .
5 And there was lots of the we came to an end and if we were going to carry on with this further we the everybody was getting a bit fed up with it .
6 it 's Wednesday today all day I thought you were going to get on with your painting ?
7 More obscenities followed just as the two men were hurrying to catch up with Comfort , and then the woman stopped dead in front of Comfort and spat in her face .
8 The Whitby Gazette announced that there would be a high tide on Ascension Eve that year , and readers were invited to write in with their views on the subject .
9 I know you were getting pissed off with Edward needling you like that , but you can tell me , surely .
10 Evidently the rumours about Zen 's past were beginning to catch up with him .
11 The six , Hispanics from 15 to 40 years old , were found face down with bullet wounds in their heads .
12 Amitha : Then the Union Working Party on EOP in which the three of us were involved came up with a very well worked-out response to the EOP Code of Practice on Recruitment and Selection Procedures .
13 Instead the 20 District Health authorities involved were asked to come up with a £9,000 each by tomorrow afternoon .
14 Last time if you were n't sure which to make we were allowed to come up with about ten papers
15 There was talk of the whole station 's being moved into purpose-built accommodation some time in the future , but so far nothing definite had been arranged , so they were forced to put up with the cramped conditions and lack of amenities , like parking .
16 Both the industry and the Group Organisers would benefit if the Organisers were left to get on with what they were happiest and most able to do , namely , organising .
17 Adds Lt Watts : ‘ What often made situations all the more tragic was the fact that these poor From here is single col for page 7 people were trying to carry on with their lives .
18 The six students , studying ‘ A ’ level Drama and Theatre Arts at St Mary 's were chosen to help out with Britain 's leading theatre company .
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