Example sentences of "n't get [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The partner there was terribly embarrassed , rang me up and apologized for hours afterwards , could n't get him off the phone .
2 He 's wanted by some of the top clubs but they wo n't get him in the sales .
3 I started off at the s at the start I was er I was getting mouth ulcers , and then well I did n't get them to the severity that I got them with the sulfasalazine
4 ‘ Bet you ca n't get them to the sink , Wattling . ’
5 I mean a , I 've been throwing mine away now we ca n't get them at the other farm , I mean and I said if we do , we 'd better keep
6 But with a th a single wardrobe ironically you ca n't get them up the stairs because soon as you reach that step you 've got another step so if you were to lift it up to the next step it 'll hit the top of the d doorjamb so it wo n't go any further .
7 Erm in the early stages , I mean you 've got to go through all the ranks , you 've got to go through that physical side , even if you want to get on , there 's no direct promotion into the higher ranks so you 've got to go through it , every Chief Officer , every senior officer that you , you come across in the fire service , has started as a fireman and will start as a fireman on like er the forces where you get direct entry into the forces , you do n't get them in the Fire Service .
8 No you did n't get them in the top ones .
9 But I could n't get her to the doctor , she would n't go .
10 And she was glad to have the strength of anger against him as she deciphered coolly , ‘ What you 're really saying is that either I leave Travis alone , or , if you ca n't get me over the Norwood & Chambers contract , you wo n't rest until you find some other contract I 've had small dealings with and which did n't work out , which added together will amount to dereliction of duty . ’
11 I 'm not gon na go over t what my colleague has said but what I do wan na know is when are the Labour Party gon na get hold of some issue and make some sort of mileage out of it , because we 've got a number of sponsored MPs and we ca n't get 'em off the doorstep at election time , but when it comes about doing summat for us and consider the fact that it affects many many people and we talk about the links that the Labour Party and the trade union has , I think the Labour Party 's already severed 'em , as far as I 'm concerned .
12 First off , I agree , that it seems we are trying to play too much football , there always seems to be one pass too many , it 's all very pretty , but it does n't get us behind the opposition defence and create chances .
13 The dragons could n't get you through the air-hole ; they could only get you if you put out a foot or a hand , or worst of all your head ; that was when they struck ; bit it off , or pulled you right out and ate all of you . ’
14 my Lord report , paragraphs seven twelve and two eleven , erm refer to the competition rules and indeed explicitly excepts that a curtailing of some competition in this area is in , in , in his view at least and the reports view , a good thing to protect solvency , protect policy holders and again we simply said to that V D S , fine , yes it goes to exemption , but it does n't get you outside the competition rules .
15 It 's no use having a fantastic set if you ca n't get it into the building .
16 We did n't get it on the radio .
17 If they ask for some cheese , you wo n't get it on the meat counter will you ?
18 You can find out about world events if you read a good newspaper , somebody said to me yesterday in class well we do n't get the news about these places , you do , you just do n't get it on the T V , it 's there in the Guardian every day , it 's there in the Independent every day , quite a lot of it gets reported in the Telegraph , but it 's no good if you 're reading the Mirror , you wo n't get it in there , you wo n't get it in the Mail or any other of those newspapers , the tabloids , but these things are happening , why would we be interested ?
19 You do n't get it with the batteries .
20 Because it 's a national thing I mean it 's something the company is hoping to go forward with the time it 's a government initiative , if we are offering trainee managers when they join us an , an N V Q and they do n't get it at the end of their training .
21 No you ca n't get it under the table .
22 but she said also that er , she 's made , she could n't get it over , I could n't get it over the houses myself
23 Well you see it may be important where the information came from , you did n't get it from the cards , you say you were getting information from all directions .
24 It 's a Dulux but you ca n't get it from the shop .
25 I would n't have minded but I could n't get it in the hole after that .
26 In other words , if you could n't get it in the next three months , you could forget about it !
27 You can find out about world events if you read a good newspaper , somebody said to me yesterday in class well we do n't get the news about these places , you do , you just do n't get it on the T V , it 's there in the Guardian every day , it 's there in the Independent every day , quite a lot of it gets reported in the Telegraph , but it 's no good if you 're reading the Mirror , you wo n't get it in there , you wo n't get it in the Mail or any other of those newspapers , the tabloids , but these things are happening , why would we be interested ?
28 Pauline 's is very nice where they live , Michael does n't bother taking his in , cos it 's the gap , well they could n't get it in the
29 Another accident we had with an a wardrobe two of my lads had which was a funny one in retrospect but I some when you carry a wardrobe , funnily enough , the easiest way often if you 've got a tight corner , you know as you go round a corner in a staircase you 'll come from a landing and often turn right or turn left to go down , if you put it at an angle like that then you wo n't get it round the corner without catching the bannister .
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