Example sentences of "n't have [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You — do n't have to take me to Monpazier . ’
2 You do n't have to take me to dinner ! ’
3 As to that other matter — ’ he stood up and came round his desk ‘ — I do n't have to ask you to be discreet , do I ?
4 you do n't have to draw it in yellow
5 But perhaps she did n't have to miss it after all .
6 ‘ Of course we do n't have to invite them to dinner .
7 You do n't have to like it in ten years ’ time .
8 He can be world champion for the next three years , so long as we do n't have to do it at Bradford because that 's an awful track .
9 No , well I 'm I 'm saying to you the same sort of things , in general skills and abilities there are certain things that we required to put in the er numeracy the literacy er , to some degree attendance and punctuality , although we do n't have to do it on a subject specific basis erm we , everybody wants to know about he young , ho whether their youngsters are trying i.e. effort ha , whether they behave in lessons .
10 Yeah well did n't have to do it on my bed .
11 No one says you ca n't write it down do n't have to do it in all in your head do you .
12 One minute We 're welcome to collaborate with the person next to you , you do n't have to do it in splendid isolation .
13 You can do it , you do n't have to do it in a great long line , you can do it in a sort of cube or something .
14 I asked the governor whether I could have a visit in the probation department so that Karen did n't have to see me in the gym with everyone else and I could talk to her a bit more intimately .
15 It would also save time if she did n't have to carry them to and fro .
16 My sister 's job was to meet her at the bus stop with the wheel basket so she did n't have to carry it up the road .
17 You do n't have to , it does n't have to be mined , we do n't have to import it from any Arabs , it 's ours , we own it and it gives us that amount of energy but only if we develop the fast er reactors .
18 But be warned , if you buy your machine from a retailer the manufacturer does n't have to fix it under law — this is the responsibility of the dealer you bought it from .
19 She does n't have to fund it from income .
20 Women idealise male qualities of aggression , ambition and sexual confidence so that we do n't have to confront them in ourselves .
21 But if you do n't have to contact the inland revenue , because you do n't need to prove the will because the estate is too small then you do n't have to tell him about the jointly owned property .
22 ‘ He would n't have to tell them at this time of night .
23 ‘ I can speak to subordinates in any fashion I wish — a privilege of rank , which I surely do n't have to tell you about . ’
24 mam , mam I 've got twelve , I says well you do n't have to tell us in the middle , wait until you 've finished then , tell us how many you 've got .
25 I rather hoped I would n't have to face you with this but thanks to your belief that I 'm somehow responsible for Eddie 's death you force my hand .
26 ‘ I do n't have to convince you of anything ! ’
27 but that first weeks messages you did n't have to pay them till the end of the quarter , which meant that people went in and bought things that week , they never bought you know ?
28 GUIL : ( Jumps up savagely ) You do n't have to flog it to death !
29 It was better not to know , then she did n't have to picture him with his wife and child in their London house , or at High Brook .
30 Six six contracts all the same print so that if ever we shifted you or wanted you wanted to shift you from estate into to golf or to schools we do n't have to retrain you at all .
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