Example sentences of "n't that [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is n't that degree of distance which the minister himself asked for er in the committee er on which we both sat er in er nineteen eighty nine .
2 ‘ You are n't that kind of person , ’ said Louise .
3 Of course that had been mostly created by the lack of money , but the instability she saw in Joe was n't that kind of lack , it was something she could n't put her finger on .
4 She was n't that kind of girl . ’
5 She wanted to assure him that she was n't that kind of idiot .
6 ‘ This is n't that kind of flatty . ’
7 Forget it , he is n't that kind of man .
8 To which Mary Deare replied in a low voice , ‘ It is n't that kind of pain , and then cried out with terrible conviction — Wendy , you are wrong about mothers .
9 But ( unlike the Tories ) it is n't that kind of outfit .
10 But Gyggle was n't that kind of shrink ; he kept on at me .
11 I walk into the terminal thinking , Well , at least there is n't that smell of sewage around you sometimes get when you arrive in dear old Embra ; I 'm not sure I could handle that right now .
12 ‘ It was n't that sort of ball .
13 It would be the height of bad manners , and I know you are n't that sort of person .
14 I told you it was n't that sort of relationship .
15 ‘ But it was n't that sort of wedding , ’ Philippa said .
16 It was n't that sort of beauty , it was Nature 's beauty , too complex to copy .
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