Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of these are rather old , and do n't relate to the present Plate Tectonic picture , but rather to the situation ten or twenty million years ago .
2 Manolo did n't groove to the Big Empty .
3 It does n't compare to the recent find by Suffolk farmer Eric Laws , which is estimated to be worth millions .
4 I feel er something of a stranger walking in on the Maastricht reunion er annual dinner er at the er I have to say that erm I er would n't wish to cross swords with the honourable gentleman on the detail of the Maastricht bill but certainly but certainly I 'ave to say that for many people and maybe even some people on this own side who may be prepared to admit it , the false divide between Euro sceptics and Euro fanatics is one that does n't appeal to the new generations of members and I suspect on both sides of the house , we are in our considered view in Europe and we need to make the best of it and treat Europe on its merits rather than re-live the battles of the er late seventies and early eighties .
5 A MUCH-PRAISED AMERICAN playwright , John Guare has never received his due in this country — not , I think , because his comedies do n't appeal to the English sense of humour but because it 's difficult for actors here to get across their vision of insane optimism and everyday insanity .
6 The Baron 's brows drew together , but he did n't jump to the immediate conclusion she 'd feared .
7 I ca n't swear to the following but the headmaster said Basil was undoubtedly a gentleman , but he 'd rather not have his brother in case he turned out the same .
8 " It is always interesting , well presented and does n't preach to the converted . "
9 You can say that if they do n't keep to the agreed rules of the drama , then the magic will start to fail ; if they climb up the wall-bars when you have asked them not to , you can say that the magic only works when their feet are touching the ground , thus using the fiction of the drama to limit the space they work in and remind them through a dramatic device of those rules which you will have agreed before the lesson begins ( see also the section on " Control " in Chapter 4 ) .
10 We do n't look to the old , to the stooped , for cruelty .
11 He does n't react to the negative but takes positive steps to be successful .
12 ‘ I also liked the idea of producing images of people in the public eye which do n't adhere to the unwritten rule of portraiture — that you 've got to make some kind of personal comment about the sitter , capture their essence , if you like — which , at twenty four , I did n't feel particularly qualified to do .
13 ‘ I did n't go to the stationary cupboard quite as often as I did before , ’ says manager of quality and training , Claudia McCabe , one of 1000 managers .
14 If it does n't go to the main group , it wo n't be and we may have to do something ourselves .
15 Equally they ca n't go to the Socialist Workers ’ Movement either . ’
16 She did n't go to the Social Services or anything like that , she acted completely beyond the jurisdiction of any teacher .
17 On his mother 's birthday they did n't go to the Spinning Wheel but to the Queen Victoria for lunch , because his father insisted .
18 He knows where I live , he knows I wo n't go to the Old Bill . ’
19 His character was , however , memorably impassive — never more so than when the chokingly tearful Miss Bergman purrs , ‘ Oh , Victor , please do n't go to the underground meeting tonight . ’
20 If it does n't come to the full county council , then I will make sure it does , but I , one would hope that a decision such as that , which is of paramount importance in a , a rural area would be taken by a full county council and not by education .
21 Now , I do n't subscribe to the slippery slope view
22 But it does n't stretch to the Hungarian Defence Force .
23 And he volunteered to give a lift to anyone who could n't get to the annual general meeting in March .
24 And if we did n't get to the very top , well , it was near enough , was n't it ?
25 " So I wo n't get to the fair , " said Emily — and then , the second she had said it , she covered her mouth with her hand , afraid that her thoughtlessness might upset John .
26 If you do n't get to the finishing line through injury or you cross it in pain , seek help quickly .
27 The ‘ Sean Astin digs up a caveman and he fits right in in the Valley ’ plot does n't add to the suburban dumbnation routines but rather reworks the Eighties ' ‘ innocents abroad in America ’ genre ( eg anything from Starman to Crocodile Dundee ) .
28 Maybe , just maybe , one of the reasons why Sun Microsystems Inc 's SuperSparc Viking chip has n't gone as smooth as silk is because Sun 's lead engineers did n't listen to the young pups and do all the simulation runs they should have to begin with .
29 Do n't listen to the well-meaning friend who says ‘ two of these will get rid of that headache ’ or ‘ a dose of this will cure your constipation ’ .
30 So it became the first PGA Tour venue to lose a tournament because it does n't conform to the anti-discrimination rule laid down by the United States PGA .
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