Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Claudia was getting used to feeling like a red rose in full bloom but it did n't make her like the feeling , or the man whose remarks caused her discomfort .
2 I know you could n't hurt her for the world .
3 I would n't hurt her for the world . ’
4 The wages , he did n't trust her with the wages .
5 She would n't trust her to the end of the street .
6 And er they could n't bury her in the in the Kirkyard .
7 Will your coat need cleaning ? ’ she asked anxiously , hoping he would n't land her with the bill .
8 We could n't bring her into the house because we had an old cat and we had no spare kennels , so that just left the caravan .
9 But excuse me , my grandmother , I must n't keep her in the cold . ’
10 They would n't keep her in the dark ? ’
11 Indeed , I probably did n't understand her at the time .
12 I ca n't see her in the dark , but from the hushed swell of her breathing I could draw you the map of her body .
13 But erm I mean , you know , she come in oh I ca n't have her in the morning anyway cos we 're we 're counting in the morning .
14 I would n't leave her in the lurch .
15 I ca n't leave her in the lurch . ’
16 But a childhood gaining a reputation as an impulsive scatterbrain should n't preclude her from the same opportunities and privileges her brother received , should it ?
17 The shuttle would n't reach her before the suit 's air supply ran out .
18 Anna never said , Not before you are twenty-one ; she did n't tell her about the legal arrangements she had made .
19 ‘ You did n't tell her about the collar ? ’
20 He could n't distinguish her from the darkness , but any lingering doubt that she might belong to the dream from which he 'd risen was dispatched as her hand went from his mouth to his bare chest .
21 And I do n't blame her in the slightest for telling you .
22 Despite his growing involvement , he ca n't scratch her from the list and another murder casts her every action in chilling , ambiguous light .
23 And Pam told us yesterday that she ca n't kiss her on the lips .
24 But I could n't get her to the doctor , she would n't go .
25 He wo n't allow her near the second floor so she 's come to us . ’
26 Rachel Keith would like to have gone there but her mother died and instead she went to see her father to try and effect a reconciliation , but her old father would n't let her over the door .
27 Do n't threaten her with the police , leaving home yourself or sending her away .
28 It did n't strike her as the slightest bit funny .
29 He might radiate power and control but he did n't strike her as the kind of man who would number nursing skills among his repertoire .
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