Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And make-up wo n't stay on without powder .
2 No no , amenity-wise , you 're okay , but I mean amenities does n't make up for sort of living standards you 've got , does it ?
3 Ca n't make out of livery nowadays .
4 So you do n't hang around for money in our in our company .
5 Well just do n't fall out of bed .
6 This does n't show through in practice , though , since under Windows , probably one of the most graphically intensive environments you can have , screen updates are acceptably quick , although not as fast as with Windows-optimized accelerated cards .
7 I do n't think the other team in the depot have got such a , I should n't speak out of school but we have
8 One must n't give in to pessimism , and it 's pointless to look too far ahead , but in a couple of years she wo n't even be legal .
9 She could n't give in to intimidation .
10 Of course Mr Brooke and the others at the Northern Ireland Office wo n't give in to terrorism .
11 Please be strong tonight — do n't give in to temptation .
12 and then , the ceiling turns into a sky , and then a , this sort of head and shoulders of a woman er , compassionate woman , an arm reaches through , and a , and a face comes , and er , she says , erm er , and it says , my child do n't give in to temptation .
13 Oh that 's what I did n't bring back from school !
14 ‘ A poor country 's fragile economy just ca n't keep up with population growth , so people will just get poorer and poorer . ’
15 The recession may be hurting many businesses , but there 's one craftsman who ca n't keep up with demand .
16 ‘ We ca n't burn it in the grate — Dad might come back , we might n't clean up in time .
17 Unfortunately , my parents wo n't splash out on satellite TV , so I 'm stuck with teletext to find out any results , and pathetic BBC coverage to watch any tennis .
18 I dare n't look round for fear I should see
19 You ca n't look back in football .
20 It 's not even got anything to do with his hedge-trimmer pageboy cut or his Oxfam dress sense , which would n't look out of place in the background of an Inspiral Carpets video .
21 They are immensely adaptable : designed for the plainer interiors of the hot south , they sit happy in stark modernist décors , but do n't look out of place in rooms stuffed with antiques .
22 Fender Strat-style knobs would n't look out of place and , if this guitar were mine , I would change them straight away .
23 There are four rubber feet on the bottom , and another four on the side , opposite an excellent , deeply-recessed handle that would n't look out of place on a 4x12″ cab .
24 Clarke put Ireland 3–1 ahead three minutes after the break but schoolboy Ivan Steen , who did n't look out of place in such illustrious company , got the deficit two minutes later with a sweetly struck shot from the edge of the circle .
25 The graphics would n't look out of place on Play School , with the surreal instruction to ’ Keep On Dancing ! ’ ( in lurid bouncing multi-coloured letters ) at the fade-out before each ad break .
26 He 's commissioned a mural in his entrance hall which would n't look out of place in the Cistine chapel … although there are a few subtle differences , as Gareth Furby 's been finding out .
27 ‘ He did n't look out of place against Falkirk and scored a goal which gave him and us a boost .
28 I prayed that we would n't crack up in laughter .
29 The paper did n't flutter about from side to side ; it just went straight down .
30 No , they 're weird , his shoulders go , they do n't square up like shoulder pads , they go .
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