Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Well , do n't worry , I shall only be here tonight , so I wo n't restrict your activities for too long ! ’
2 We did n't discuss his plans for the day , only mine , and those I presume are hardly of interest to you . ’
3 ‘ I do n't choose my friends for the size of their wallets , you know . ’
4 T. D. The discipline was tyranny but it was n't bad for us — two policemen walking along the road together , talking about women or football like everybody else , and they ca n't keep their eyes for crime or for offences being committed under their noses .
5 The next time he awoke , they blistered the back of his hands with cigarette burns , but this time , mercifully , he had passed out within ten minutes and did n't regain his senses for nearly two hours .
6 Murder brought Raskolnikov to see that he did n't believe his reasons for committing it .
7 Most of the company wives do n't see their husbands for about sixty five per cent of the year , which is actually a very long time when you 're living in these sort of conditions .
8 ‘ I could n't move my fingers for cold . ’
9 The rubber was stretching and stretching and not tightening enough , and I could n't move my hands for fear of it tearing the flesh off a finger or biting my nose off .
10 ‘ We d'Urbervilles do n't sell our horses for cat 's meat ! ’ he insisted .
11 I do n't blame my parents for the way I turned out , I 'm the one responsible .
12 He had understood her feelings for Andrew ; he could n't comprehend her reasons for marrying Lovat .
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