Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [pers pn] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He still could n't spare him a drop of real hatred , though — Carter was the one .
2 But that wo n't make me a freedom fighter , just another fascist !
3 ‘ Too bad you could n't make me a mother . ’
4 I defended myself when I had to , but that does n't make me a killer .
5 ‘ I 've seen a lot of horse races but that does n't make me a jockey , does it ? ’
6 It made me wary of Throgmorton — but it does n't make me a murderer nine years later . ’
7 True enough , he lived in a caravan and travelled from town to town with the others in his travelling group but it was n't a garishly painted van like the ones old time gypsies occupied , just a normal common-or-garden caravan , the type people stay in on holiday , but that did n't make him a gypsy .
8 Hell , everybody I know 's done something like that at some time or another but that does n't make them a murderer ; I think McDunn 's crazy but I ca n't tell him that because , if he 's wrong about that and I 'm wrong about it being something to do with those guys who died in the Lake District a few years ago , then there 's only one suspect left and that 's me .
9 ‘ My dear woman , that does n't make her a genius !
10 Wearing a miniskirt does n't mean you 're a tart ; tracksuits do n't necessarily mean you 're sporty ; dungarees do n't make you a feminist ; and shaving your legs does n't mean you 're unsussed .
11 Ch Chairman I , I , I , I would agree with Mr that we might er successfully change the order , but we ca n't er and should n't make it a condition of issuing that statement of conformity that Aida have done those things .
12 It wo n't hurt her a bit if another dog growls at her , as it will make her realise she is not considered top dog by them .
13 A fund-raiser planning to tour Europe in a Reliant Robin has been told that the feat wo n't earn him a place in the record books — because he 's one wheel short .
14 A fund-raiser planning to tour Europe in a Reliant Robin has been told that the feat wo n't earn him a place in the record books — because he 's one wheel short .
15 I 'll have to go back to the shop , and check up on them , as I said , hut I imagine you wo n't grudge me a glass of brandy first . "
16 Still , he thought , as long as Richmann considered him a superstitious peasant , he would n't consider him a threat .
17 But if it does n't kill lots of people , we do n't consider it a disaster , or if you , the media , decide not to report it , it is n't a disaster .
18 Well , Mrs Davis , I ca n't promise you a rise ( and I certainly would n't be bold enough to ask you for a hug ! ) but what I can offer you is the chance to choose between a substantial pay-rise … £1,500 a year … and a cheque for the generous sum of £15,000 .
19 ‘ Mind you , ’ she whispered in his ear as he collapsed to his knees by the bed and clasped her in his arms , ‘ I ca n't promise you a son every time you 're away ! ’
20 Offcourse Howard Wilkinson could n't guarantee him a place in the first eleven and Mr Wilkinson told Strandli that if he wants to leave Leeds United that 's fine with him , but he wo n't let him go for ‘ nothing ’ .
21 The management of Roker FC could n't guarantee him a place in the side . ’
22 These precautions wo n't guarantee you a dream child carer , but until the Government follows Europe 's lead — they 're all we 've got .
23 Seeing as you did n't buy me a pint today
24 So you ca n't buy me a box of chocolates for and a card ?
25 The deal does n't buy us a match every week . ’
26 But it wo n't buy you a shop , now , will it ? ’
27 I mean my belief is that if Standard Life and M and G ca n't show me a profit on a , a good managed fund , I doubt that anybody in a another institute is going to do any better .
28 She says he was still up at quarter past and did n't get up for work until seven this morning , that 's what he said in note anyway , summat about he did n't fetch her a cup of tea up this morning cos he did n't get up till seven .
29 Would n't do me a sandwich ?
30 Anyway , I do know they hung Him up on the cross so it did n't do Him a lot of good .
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