Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [prep] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't shield from me any more .
2 but I do n't think with them other .
3 I do n't think of it that way .
4 Could n't think of it all night but now I have , just by talking about it .
5 I remember that , remember the feeling of his warm , cooling , sunlit juice on my hand , slippy becoming sticky , but I ca n't think about it any more without thinking of gorilla man and the little guy tied to the chair .
6 ‘ Then do n't think about it any more for now , ’ Belinda advised .
7 I wo n't think about it any more . ’
8 I , I do n't know about you three , I would be prepared to pay an extra penny in my tax or whatever to make sure those poor sods are not in that street .
9 ‘ Even if I do n't act like it all the time . ’
10 ‘ It does n't matter to me one way or the other .
11 When they reached her floor eventually , she bade him a perfunctory farewell and stepped out of the lift with a feeling of release , hurrying towards her apartment , heart and hormones defeating any intention of greeting Luke 's arrival as coolly as if it did n't matter to her one way or the other .
12 I would n't speak to him all the evening , or look at the things he 'd bought , even though I could see one of them was a picture-frame .
13 Taking responsibility would mean you would say , ‘ I felt upset when you did n't speak to me this morning . ’
14 ‘ She would n't speak to me last time I was in your home , ’ she complained .
15 ‘ Say the words , my dear one , and I wo n't speak about it any more .
16 It 's come to something , has n't it , when I ca n't speak in me own house now . ’
17 Er I said er Lisa 'd like to go out but er she do n't feel like it these days .
18 ‘ No ; I do n't feel like it this mornin' . ’
19 Those tactics wo n't work with me any more , I know you too well . ’
20 ‘ Do n't look at me that way , ’ she said , ‘ as if I 'd suddenly become senile . ’
21 I did n't look at them good till I sat down next to Mr. Mendez .
22 Tom : ‘ We do n't really put on a big theatrical performance , so you do n't look at it that way , you just try and sing it in tune .
23 ‘ I suppose you 'd call it that but I did n't look at it that way .
24 ‘ Well , they find something to click at and when they 've clicked at it they do n't look at it any more but move on and click at something else . ’
25 I could n't look after them both , so … ’
26 ‘ I ca n't look after you any more , Billy . ’
27 It did n't occur to me that criticism coming from an American of American business might be acceptable , but from someone like me , was much much harder to take .
28 I do n't believe in it any more . ’
29 After her small bedroom at home , where beloved old ornaments belonging once to her mother jostled for space with a basket of ironing she had n't yet had time for , and nursing textbooks that would n't fit on her one small bookshelf , or her room at the nurses ' home , where exotic travel posters — gleaned from a travel agent next to her father 's hardware shop — could n't disguise the institutional plainness of the furnishings , this room seemed palatial .
30 They do n't move for me any more and I ca n't whistle either .
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