Example sentences of "n't [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He said the management at the site had n't given permission for welding on the oil tank .
2 Emotions were n't considered part of school life .
3 He had n't phoned Nadirpur in case Century House had a tap on the line .
4 You have n't said hello to Popsey .
5 ‘ We 'ave n't seen thoo since t'funeral . ’
6 Nick stuffed and stuffed as if he had n't seen food for weeks but Carrie could hardly eat anything .
7 You have n't slept head to toe in a bed with him though .
8 I have n't got patience for people who are ill
9 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
10 But he are n't got time at work see ?
11 Curve have n't got time for apathy — there 's got to be some attitude to your music . ’
12 ‘ It is not that I have n't got time for girls .
13 Er have n't got time for tea
14 He is very meticulous and quite demanding , and has n't got time for people who do n't know their job . ’
15 I have n't got time before school , Adrian thought .
16 Oh yes , let's be fair , because they have n't got priority in selfishness , have they , Great-gran ?
17 We have n't had lamb for years now .
18 ‘ You have n't had dinner with Mr Jaggers yet ? ’
19 The evening before he had procured from the local library a copy of Gerald Seymour-Strachey 's essay in autobiography , but a quick flick through the index had assured him there was no mention of Walter Machin , and he had n't had time to bone up on the details of the man himself 's career .
20 First time I had n't spent Christmas with Vicki I think since they were married .
21 He had n't put pen to paper since the day before Martin died , and he doubted if he would ever do so again .
22 ‘ How do we know James was n't taken prisoner by Surrey and hustled down to some secret prison in England ? ’
23 Cos I have n't taken paracetamol for ages .
24 For the first time in over a month Charles felt certain that he had n't lost interest in sex .
25 FOOTBALL/ Make or break for Newcastle/ Boro still hopeful of number two slot BORO boss Lennie Lawrence issued a rallying call to the troops last night with the cry : ‘ We have n't lost ground with Leicester yet ’ .
26 if they have n't learnt their lessons , if they have n't , if they have n't paid attention in class
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