Example sentences of "n't [verb] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Very busy I have n't stopped for a second .
2 He said : ‘ I wo n't stay for a shower , I 'll go for a swim instead . ’
3 You know , I ca n't stay for a week in silence .
4 ‘ In Swansea , I heard a chant I had n't heard for a while : ‘ Who beat the Wallabies ? ’
5 right , I mean I 'm not quite sure how Coslow will go about things , I mean the reason we wanted someone from Coslow is cos we wanted someone from the Federation of Scottish Theatre cos we had n't heard for a while
6 Landing with obstructions on the upwind side is particularly dangerous and is just the sort of error people tend to make when they have n't flown for a while .
7 I have n't arranged for a secondary .
8 Do n't think for a minute I 'm jealous .
9 Naturally I did n't think for a minute that my life and spirit could stimulate her .
10 I do n't think for a minute that I can work them out in movies .
11 I do n't think for a minute we 'll have to . ’
12 I did n't think for a minute that if we ever met again you would so bitterly slap it back in my face with no regard for my feelings . ’
13 ‘ When I got back and found your note I did n't think for a minute that it was because you thought I was the father of the child .
14 It 's a frustrating affair though — do n't think for a second that you can breeze through this game ; think yourself lucky if you get past the first few levels !
15 But do n't think for a moment that I 'm duped by my own little lies . ’
16 I 'd love to help her , and I know every one of us would ; but I do n't think for a moment that Miss Miggs would let us pay her fare , even if we could raise so much money . ’
17 And I do n't think for a moment that I 'm alone in feeling this way .
18 Do n't think for a moment that the women are all on the creative side of the business .
19 He did n't answer for a while and then , as they made their way round the little lake , he answered , ‘ Ivanov . ’
20 The old lady did n't answer for a moment , and before she did the wrinkles on her neck moved under the effect of her swallowing , and then she said simply , ‘ Thank you , Charles . ’
21 The Thing did n't answer for a moment .
22 He did n't answer for a moment , and it seemed as if he was trying to control conflicting emotions .
23 If you do n't qualify for a voucher you will have to pay the full cost of the glasses yourself .
24 Er , however we have agreed , and we 're perfectly happy er , to have an undertaking which , obviously you ca n't enter into within the a , a legal document cos we would n't qualify for a corporation grant to make the remaining twenty five percent available to the council as well .
25 Then , and no earnings , she did n't qualify for an allowance at all , because investment income , then , was her husband 's .
26 Some of this experimental technology will go into SAS release 6.09 , most will roll into version 7.0 , which is n't expected for a couple of years yet .
27 Do n't wait for a muse to come take your hand .
28 Well we 'll go on the corporation , wait for a corporation you would n't wait for a corporation , I said wait , wait for the big bus .
29 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
30 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
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