Example sentences of "n't [verb] for [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 that 's what I do n't want for it to er
2 ‘ I did n't fall for him at once , ’ says Hilary .
3 She ca n't wait for me for years and years .
4 Do n't wait for me for lunch .
5 I ca n't wait for us to be together . ’
6 Do n't wait for you for lunch ?
7 Now , you may think that er you and I are very different from a T four bacteria but personally , and I on can only speak for myself , I ca n't speak for you of course , but personally I 'm prepared to accept that basically I 'm really nothing more than a very very complicated and much bigger T four bacterial .
8 I think it 's it 's hard for me to say because I did n't work for him for long .
9 Blitzer Last and definitely least , this is a cross between Defender and Lunar Lander , and it just does n't work for me at all .
10 And as you are now unemployed , I see no reason why you should n't search for them in a freelance capacity .
11 Tony was supposed to have been singing in a Black Sabbath ‘ reunion ’ in the States , which did n't happen for him in the end , but that gave us some breathing space .
12 so much for international success … what about Swindon … he has n't scored for them in the league yet … but would give anything … and everything to get amongst the goals
13 And if you did n't pay for it at the weekend you got no groceries next week .
14 But there were eight in my family , so we could n't afford for me to be a pro — they did n't get paid !
15 ‘ Oh — but she do n't care for him at all .
16 Teenage magazines often have stories about girls who fall in love with handsome , exciting young men who do n't care for them at all while ignoring the nice , but rather ordinary , boy-next-door who thinks the world of them .
17 Jenny suddenly did n't care for her in the least .
18 Do n't care for it at all . ’
19 He was constantly being put down by his friend , and it did n't help for me to be putting his friend down . ’
20 As she had n't returned for them during the week they would have to be returned to her — via Lowell .
21 To Neil , hide-bound Englishman that he was , Philip Arbuthnot was best described as Irish , because he could n't account for him in any other way .
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