Example sentences of "n't [verb] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Demand has escalated and droughts are n't limited to spells of very hot weather .
2 I think most policeman ca n't relate to sociology at all , because , you see , the way we 're taught everything is black and white : those who do bad should be punished , those who do good should be rewarded .
3 I could n't adapt to conditions in this country .
4 They sent me to Cambridge for a couple of terms — that 's where I first realized I must run — I do n't want to blaspheme about one of your famous institutions so I sha n't tell you the name of my college though you 're longing to know — the girls in their bed-sitters , the cocoa-drinking , the tittle-tattle , the atmosphere of heartiness or domesticity in the combination-room — But , my dear , it must be getting late and here I am telling you things that you know as well as I do . ’
5 I mean you do n't want to kind of put them off too much erm
6 I do n't want to sort of wade in in response to that , I want other people to er
7 Right I mean I do n't want to sort of pry into how you do your business that the in the the getting of that information that 's that is relatively straightforward , is it ?
8 er because er her children but erm say that we we did n't want to sort of upset her by erm you know
9 The Force knew that their meticulously erected edifices of proof would n't fall to pieces under cross-examination when he was in the witness box , although he sometimes suspected that they found him too scrupulous for complete comfort .
10 The main problem , at least on the first night , was that too much of the dialogue was overplayed — Lochhead recognises that you do n't need to soup up the Scots speech to make it funny , or poignant or significant : it 's all already there in the words , but if they 're spoken too self-consciously they end up sounding like rather forced one-liners .
11 Though walls have to be scrambled over , if you do it with care and replace any stones you dislodge , I find that most farmers do n't object to walkers on their land .
12 ‘ But I have n't come to Liverpool to be number two .
13 After all , how can anyone sort out their problems if they have n't come to grips with themselves ? ’
14 And yet we have n't come to terms with that .
15 At that time she had n't come to terms with them , ’ he recalls .
16 ‘ Over two packs a day , very foolish for a diabetic , but she had n't come to terms with the illness at that stage , and was quite defiant about a number of things , Professor Rankin tells me . ’
17 ‘ My guess is that she had n't come to terms with the situation herself , ’ she said .
18 I have n't come to terms with the bloke I killed yet , but when I do , it will be frightening .
19 And an expert on the case believes she still has n't come to terms with what she 's done .
20 ‘ I suppose it is , but I was n't driving to Penzance at 11.45 on Friday night . ’
21 Dad did n't speak to Mum on the phone , and he did n't see her , knowing that this was for the best in the long run .
22 you must n't speak to people on the phone
23 but when it come out me mouth , as soon as I said it I thought you should n't speak to people to people like that but I 'd said it had n't I ?
24 " Do n't speak to Jill like that , " said Cedric Mellings .
25 And feeling does n't refer to emotion as such .
26 Do n't refer to happenings during that period or this whole fabrication will fall like a pack of cards .
27 I 'd forgone breakfast because I had n't got to bed till four in the morning , lunch because I had a hangover and anyway I was late for the train , and due to the fact that it was — according to British Rail at any rate — still part of the extended Festive Period , there had been no buffet trolley on the train .
28 Even though she had n't got to bed till the small hours , and had been feeling totally exhausted , she 'd been tossing and turning for what seemed like hours , utterly unable to sleep .
29 and we have n't got to grips with the corporate market yet fully
30 They 'd not long allowed white caddies at Augusta , and the police were n't used to people like me .
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