Example sentences of "n't [verb] [adv prt] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ca n't make out of livery nowadays .
2 Well just do n't fall out of bed .
3 I do n't think the other team in the depot have got such a , I should n't speak out of school but we have
4 It 's not even got anything to do with his hedge-trimmer pageboy cut or his Oxfam dress sense , which would n't look out of place in the background of an Inspiral Carpets video .
5 They are immensely adaptable : designed for the plainer interiors of the hot south , they sit happy in stark modernist décors , but do n't look out of place in rooms stuffed with antiques .
6 Fender Strat-style knobs would n't look out of place and , if this guitar were mine , I would change them straight away .
7 There are four rubber feet on the bottom , and another four on the side , opposite an excellent , deeply-recessed handle that would n't look out of place on a 4x12″ cab .
8 Clarke put Ireland 3–1 ahead three minutes after the break but schoolboy Ivan Steen , who did n't look out of place in such illustrious company , got the deficit two minutes later with a sweetly struck shot from the edge of the circle .
9 The graphics would n't look out of place on Play School , with the surreal instruction to ’ Keep On Dancing ! ’ ( in lurid bouncing multi-coloured letters ) at the fade-out before each ad break .
10 He 's commissioned a mural in his entrance hall which would n't look out of place in the Cistine chapel … although there are a few subtle differences , as Gareth Furby 's been finding out .
11 ‘ He did n't look out of place against Falkirk and scored a goal which gave him and us a boost .
12 He does n't run out of school as much as he used to , does he ? … .
13 That settled it , they would n't run out of water right away so she 'd remain where she was .
14 O K , I just hope we wo n't run out of space here .
15 Let's hope it does n't run out of petrol , eh ? ’
16 To begin , take a deep breath before you start so that you do n't run out of breath in the middle of the sentence .
17 ‘ It was all hands down making sure we did n't run out of cash , ’ he remembers .
18 It was all hands down to make sure we did n't run out of cash .
19 This teleprinter machine was a temperamental beast and had to be carefully watched to make sure it did n't run out of paper , or chew it into shreds or otherwise make a mess of things , and it was one of our duties as Met Assistants to keep it in order .
20 I hope he does n't run out of wind . ’
21 It is a car in which driving becomes a pleasure rather than a necessity ; much thought has gone into providing conveniences such as a service interval indicator ( which tells you when you car needs servicing ) and an automatic check panel ( to make sure you do n't run out of oil etc ) .
22 I mean if you , in the agricultural depression of the nineteen thirties , that 's a depression that lasted erm , the best part of a decade , you know , but farmers did n't go out of production you know , for about five , six , seven years down the line , because virtually all of their assets were tied up in fixed assets .
23 Roy Hattersley , Labour 's deputy leader , said : ‘ I want to look very carefully at the idea to make sure that clubs do n't go out of business and that large families on low incomes can still go to football matches . ’
24 I do n't understand why people do n't see the difference — good design wo n't go out of fashion . ’
25 It does n't seem out of place because of the whiteness of the stonework , so brilliant in the sun it could be spun sugar .
26 So it came out of a budget when we were all ratepayers , it did n't come out of poll tax payers ' budgets okay ?
27 He would n't come out of prison alive .
28 Authority does n't come out of fear , authority comes out of respect .
29 While you 're in hospital , a guaranteed additional daily income will go a long way to ensuring that you do n't come out of hospital with financial worries .
30 She wo n't come out of hospital if she does n't feel strong enough . ’
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