Example sentences of "n't [verb] [pers pn] for the " in BNC.

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1 Batty could n't make it for the second half against Villa after a recurrence of a calf injury he received against Wimbledon last Saturday .
2 ‘ To be honest , I could n't even say when I 'm going to be back but I 've got to realistically think I wo n't make it for the European Cup . ’
3 I know you could n't hurt her for the world .
4 I would n't hurt her for the world . ’
5 He closed his eyes tightly ; then in a much quieter voice , he said , ‘ Pet , you know I would n't hurt you for the world , but you 're hurting me .
6 All you have ever read about the delights of fast-jet aerobatics still ca n't prepare you for the utter , mind-blowing super-smooth , almost silent exhilaration of the real thing !
7 ‘ I do n't need them for the moment , ’ said Apricot , ‘ because Bernard and I do n't do it .
8 You do n't need me for the moment , but I 'll be back this afternoon .
9 We do n't need it for the expansion of our race ; indeed , it 's inimical to orderly civilization .
10 Like if I interviewed Johnny Thunders , it was n't to meet him for the first time , it was to try to save his career . ’
11 ‘ No I do n't do it for the money really .
12 ‘ And I 'd only go out with someone I really liked — I would n't do it for the sake of it .
13 You certainly did n't do it for the money .
14 I said well in all fairness Paul , you ai n't actually bloody got , I said I do n't do it for the fun of it I said and I do n't like doing it but I see , he just sort of
15 But we have n't done it for the past eighteen months .
16 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
17 ‘ You 've had everything and everyone your way from much too young , and it has n't prepared you for the big , wide world .
18 We discussed erm erm other places for people to meet et cetera has actually been closed down , some some problem with the is n't it , erm but they ca n't use it for the public so erm that was , it was just left that we 'll have another meeting in March and looking around for alternative places to meet , but that 's all to report on that .
19 I mean I have n't thanked her for the money she sent .
20 I think one of the problems is , that a lot of shoppers do n't realize that they 're entering into a contract and we do n't realize it for the simple reason that most people have , as soon as you hear the word contract you have a mental image of a legal document that you sign , do n't you ?
21 Gusev 's family did n't see him for the rest of the weekend .
22 ‘ I would n't miss it for the world . ’
23 ‘ I would n't miss it for the world . ’
24 I would n't miss it for the world . ’
25 ‘ I would n't miss it for the world ! ’ she replied , smiling .
26 As for this weekend 's display , Gary would n't miss it for the world .
27 Michael says it 's ‘ very decent ’ of them ; Nick says he would n't miss it for the world .
28 As we sat discussing her script in the BBC canteen , her determined manner and the intensity of her gaze occasionally reminded me — though she wo n't thank me for the comparison — of Margaret Thatcher .
29 Her voice was abrupt and she did n't thank him for the offer .
30 With any luck my father would n't call me for the milking too early ; he generally does n't when I 've been out on patrol the night before .
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