Example sentences of "n't [verb] [pers pn] on the " in BNC.

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1 and we could n't eat it on the Sunday and
2 One said he did n't want him on the books , he just did n't want to know .
3 Well you 'd you 'd think they would n't want them on the road cos if they had an accident the people would get killed , they 'd just
4 Emma will be coming home soon , and I do n't want her upset — I do n't want you on the scene .
5 Fuck off we do n't want you on the tape .
6 It 's all right , but I do n't want it on the tapes , it 's rubbish .
7 Please do n't throw me on the floor !
8 Fortunately they did n't knock me on the head or anything which they could have done , could n't they ?
9 ‘ They do n't consult us on the agenda of the foreign ministers ' meeting and they do n't treat us as equal partners , ’ says a Czech diplomat .
10 ‘ He said he came because he could n't discuss it on the telephone , but whether he really wanted to see inside the Post I ca n't say . ’
11 Do n't hang it on the back of his door !
12 ‘ It 's only a bunch of flowers , ’ he said , pleased with her response , ‘ although I can guarantee that I have bought them , and have n't picked them on the way over .
13 I would n't trust me on the golf club scene .
14 I agree with this lady and with the dictum of Jennie Churchill , Winston 's American mum who dallied a bit herself : ‘ Just do n't do it on the street and frighten the horses . ’
15 But if he ca n't do it on the pitch I 'm sure the skipper will be helping to inspire the lads off it .
16 A because the work has n't been done What I 'm trying to do is er to say give a balanced approach which seems to me to reflect the County Council 's view that er you really ca n't do it on the basis of a a a quick subjective assessment , it really needs to be the result of a l of a detailed body of work .
17 still have to do measurements they ca n't do it on the phone you see .
18 Er you ca you could n't do it on the phone anyway It 's a case of out and er sitting with , having a coffee with the old guy .
19 I think he opens the no , he ca n't do it on the site cos it 's in er what is it ?
20 thank 's Tim , do n't tip it on the floor
21 ‘ The guys wo n't keep me on the team .
22 Meanwhile , do n't use it on the drying cycle .
23 In actual fact I 've got a friend and I go potholing with him , we meet , he 's a Kendall farmer , he 's a a sheep farmer and er , we meet and he says you know what I 've got a problem with on my land , not foxes dogs and walkers that have n't got them on the leads and crows at lambing time cos they peck their eyes out and things of that calibre , he says yes , I 'll tell you what I 'll bet you I 've had animals taken by foxes he , he says I probably have , he said but I 've not had this kind of unindeighted killing as .
24 Whether they 're hard to get or whether they have n't got them on the normal channels I do n't know !
25 Do n't know I do n't like it on the number one !
26 If we 're given an assignment , whatever it is , perform it well , do n't think that I would make a better magazine servant than that brother over there and I do n't like it on the accounts , why do they always use me as a hall servant ?
27 She said , well I , I do n't know what to do , she said , I have n't read , you know , she had n't read the election , she had n't had time to read the election addresses , and she 's not really interested in ac actually so she has n't watched it on the television .
28 Christopher will you drink that or do n't wipe it on the floor !
29 ‘ I keep telling him people ca n't see him on the radio . ’
30 ‘ You wo n't see me on the beach , I 'm sight-seeing ! ’
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