Example sentences of "n't [verb] [pers pn] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The exception to this is the police , who have had by far the largest addition to that , they have n't lost money when they lost S S A , erm , we have been ge , extremely generous to them , far more than to any other committee this year , erm , and although we have n't given them money for , to pay awards because we do n't know exactly what it is .
2 I had n't given it houseroom for long enough .
3 Do n't give them time for the
4 ‘ They do n't call me bitch for nothing .
5 ‘ Those who tell you their careers come first and do n't leave them time for a family , are simply making an excuse .
6 ‘ Those who tell you their careers come first and do n't leave them time for a family , are simply making an excuse .
7 The king would n't allow them time for a full consultation .
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