Example sentences of "n't [verb] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Now if the child can not interpret and relate the symbols to the animal , then he 's left wondering what the symbols mean , he ca n't relate the symbols to understanding that a cow is spelt verbally as C O W , and he 's left quite mystified , and he does n't know what we 're talking about .
2 If you like to drink alcohol regularly , you will probably find this is the most pleasant week of the diet , provided you do n't experience a reaction to it .
3 Doone gave me a sorrowful stare , but I had n't given a thought to his wanting secrecy .
4 Her heart sank ; she had been so intent on trying to score off him that she had n't given a thought to what her careless words could do to the understanding that had seemed to be developing between them .
5 And as she pushed open the forest-green doors of Woodline Design she realised with surprise that she had n't given a thought to Max for some considerable time .
6 She had n't given a thought to her lack of coif ; her mind was too occupied with trying to think of an excuse for remaining in her gown , and failing dismally .
7 The French plait she wore was fine for everyday , but she had n't given a thought to the more social occasions .
8 And the differences there between women in different countries are just enormous because there are still countries today where women are n't given a chance to be born — there 's female infanticide still in many countries .
9 I was trying to clarify they do n't make a contribution to the I five provision .
10 She would n't make a wife to any man , or if she did she 'd ruin him . ’
11 ‘ Not one day wo n't make no difference to him , ’ said Gloria .
12 ‘ I did n't want the students to be ’ , she recalls , ‘ I did n't really want anybody to be , and I certainly did n't think students had any right to be .
13 Er we would n't want the plan to be inhibited in that way .
14 ‘ I had a chat with manager Billy Bonds and he said that , with all my problems , he did n't want the captaincy to be one of them . ’
15 ‘ We 've done a lot to make sure that our equipment is safe ( it complies with British Standards 5750 and 5696 ) , but you do n't want the playground to be too safe or there 's no fun or adventure involved .
16 You do n't want the King to be your enemy .
17 The great problem we face is that obviously the authorities in South Africa do n't want the picture to be made , and we 're shooting it in Zimbabwe , where we 've been made very welcome , and erm the difficulties is the creation of South Africa in Zimbabwe , which means you have to go all over the place .
18 That surely has been testified to today when the very convenor of the panel on doctrine admits that he does n't want the statements to be too clear so that they can be understood and used by people of radically different persuasions .
19 Yes Chairman i it relates to the the body of the policies in the structure plan and if Aida 's plan generally conforms then we must er issue a statement of general conformity er however if there is a , a problem that we 've had for example about the wording of the reference to the erm East Worthing access road , then although that it 's quite proper for this committee to be concerned about that wording and ultimately possibly even to object to the plan on the basis of the wording , it does n't affect the extent to which the plan conforms or does n't conform with the structure plan overall .
20 she really is n't she , she does n't tow the line , does she ? she does n't tow the line to be er accepted in the royal family
21 ( Because I do n't tie the yarn to the machine , I hold the end instead , beneath the machine , for the first few rows , while maintaining enough tension to help the edge stitch ( knit . )
22 ‘ One could n't trust an animal to Weenie . ’
23 You do n't need a line to God now to see the way things are going .
24 But I 've been taught to mind my own business , so I wo n't need an answer to that . ’
25 ‘ You do n't know the way to town . ’
26 " I do n't know the way to the seneschal 's office !
27 I do n't know the answers to the problem .
28 We , we ca n't stand there in front of members and put ourselves in the firing line if we do n't know the answers to their questions .
29 And then he was singing Frere Jaques right and I did n't know the words to it so I just sorry I ca n't remember the words and he goes .
30 I do n't know the answer to all these questions .
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