Example sentences of "n't [verb] [prep] [pers pn] any " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't shield from me any more .
2 I remember that , remember the feeling of his warm , cooling , sunlit juice on my hand , slippy becoming sticky , but I ca n't think about it any more without thinking of gorilla man and the little guy tied to the chair .
3 ‘ Then do n't think about it any more for now , ’ Belinda advised .
4 I wo n't think about it any more . ’
5 ‘ Say the words , my dear one , and I wo n't speak about it any more .
6 Those tactics wo n't work with me any more , I know you too well . ’
7 ‘ Well , they find something to click at and when they 've clicked at it they do n't look at it any more but move on and click at something else . ’
8 ‘ I ca n't look after you any more , Billy . ’
9 I do n't believe in it any more . ’
10 They do n't move for me any more and I ca n't whistle either .
11 " Before , we were only a minority who complained , but with the association we wo n't stand for it any more .
12 The police have n't sha n't bother with her any more now !
13 ‘ I just ca n't cope with it any more .
14 Erm I mean that was quite odd really , we had er quite a few white tenants coming in to one end of the building , erm just saying that , you know , We just ca n't cope with it any more .
15 Betty did n't come without them any more for fear of losing her job , but she was n't blind or daft .
16 Mary Vorse pinpointed ‘ the time when old age finally claimed me ’ as the ‘ moment when my two boys were more thoughtful of me , when they did n't come to me any more with their perplexities . ’
17 I ca n't write to you any more , that 's the trouble
18 Do n't talk to me any more then !
19 We wo n't talk about them any more , ’ said Breeze , very firmly indeed .
20 We do n't talk about it any more , thank God .
21 " Do n't worry about it any more for the moment .
22 joined us just as we were ready to go overseas , he had just come out of er Flight School and of course his heart was set on being a fighter pilot and here he became a co-pilot so he was a very disappointed man and he did not stand up well in combat so there were n't too many missions , about five and I bounced him off the crew and would n't fly with him any more and got then other co-pilots to fly with me from our Squadron .
23 And she could n't listen to him any more , either , talking in low , confused tones about all the pain and pathos he was feeling , mixed with the glory and delight .
24 They wo n't listen to us any other way . ’
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