Example sentences of "an example [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll er do these just crack handle and then we 'll show what information we can obtain alright from from this model and there 's an example on a sheet of paper just to er run it home right .
2 Give an example on the board how you do that .
3 ‘ My visits to the church are to set an example to the brute population of Chiguana .
4 At this time the Party especially urged its officials to set an example to the country by rescuing orphaned or abandoned children who were destitute as a result of war and , in Moldavia , famine .
5 It had been Dalrymple 's idea to require the clan chiefs to take the oath of allegiance and it became obvious that he had hoped for an opportunity to punish one clan as an example to the others .
6 When Alistair Wright became human resource director at Digital Equipment Co six years ago , he vowed he would set an example to the rest of the organisation by passing authority down the line and totally empowering his staff .
7 Edward the First had sacked the town in 1296 , as an example to the rest of the country of what to expect if his take-over was opposed ; but thereafter that megalomaniac prince had found it useful as a staging-point for his occupation of the northern kingdom .
8 Its experience and its entire organisation and operation are frequently held up as an example to the rest of the world .
9 He should face justice , and he should face it as an example to the men of violence on both sides .
10 Moreover , some engineers have constructed the station-buildings in beautifully hewn freestone and marble from the neighbouring rocks , as an example to the Sarmatians for the use of their rich mountain stones and marbles .
11 Prince Charles set an example to the nation and banned all aerosols from Highgrove and ‘ ozone friendly ’ became an everyday phrase .
12 In the statement Edwards , who has already attracted criticism for placing bolts on Cornish granite , appears to set out his own manifest , which runs entirely counter to the BMC 's adopted policy on bolts and access and forecasts that Land 's End will eventually be seen as having set an example to the nation .
13 He would hold a series of great banquets at No. 10 as an example to the nation to spend its way out of depression .
14 He hoped that the government would set an example to the nation by inaugurating a period of change , but he did not believe that the estates of the realm should be given extensive political rights or that the power of the tsar should be dramatically reduced .
15 We want Britain to be an example to the world of how a free people can make the very best of their destiny .
16 The Great Detective is a figure of myth , something more than he seems , an example to the world .
17 As an example to the world that the young were powerful , that money was not the be-all and end-all , Apple could hardly have been a bigger failure .
18 Guests at a Buckingham Palace banquet held last night in honour of the Sultan 's four-day state visit heard the Queen hail Brunei as ‘ an example to the world ’ in the way it was preserving its natural habitat .
19 In a formal speech at the end of the state banquet , the Queen told the Sultan , said to be the world 's richest man : ‘ In the preservation of its beautiful forests , Brunei is an example to the world . ’
20 Pic 1 shows an example of a bronze bolt which is sometimes mistakenly identified as a key .
21 Here is an example of a style that is too common .
22 The task of ordering whole numbers produced one of the highest success rates attained during trialling of assessments by the project , and provides an example of a tack where virtually all pupils can succeed .
23 Once someone had pointed it out to me , together with its next door neighbour , as an example of a building style peculiar to this little area of Surrey .
24 In other words , Bentham 's Panopticon can be taken as an example of the use of architectural design as a means of social control , as an example of a building dedicated to perfecting the exercise of power .
25 An example of a Help page is shown in figure 2.13 .
26 But she gives Maurice Roche 's novel Compact ( 1966 ) as an example of a narrative which uses the future tense effectively for purposes other than prophecy .
27 An example of a treaty which goes further is the South Pacific Driftnet Fishing Treaty which provides that parties shall consult with States eligible to become parties about matters relating to the Convention , and may reach agreements with such States .
28 Article 228 ( 2 ) of the Treaty of Rome was suggested as an example of a treaty with a clause as referred to in ( a ) of Article 36 bis .
29 An example of a treaty which apparently gave procedural rights to individuals is the Anglo-Irish Agreement on Northern Ireland .
30 An example of a chart that you could construct on a card , or in your diary is shown opposite .
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