Example sentences of "or are [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Special classification schemes exist with more limited aims of covering just one main subject area , or are compiled in accordance with the interests of one user group .
2 The right hon. Gentleman is aware that a number of European economies either have been in recession or are moving towards recession at precisely the moment when the United Kingdom economy is poised to come out of recession .
3 A number of actuaries are members of the Stock Exchange in London or are employed by Stock Exchange firms .
4 Three percent are classed as ineducable and either stay at home with their families or are placed in welfare institutions — parents wishing to have teaching for these children have to pay privately .
5 We pray for those who are ill , or are recovering from illness , especially for Jim Jackson and Doreen Parris .
6 Frequently however these problems go unnoticed or are hidden from view Only the nurse herself is aware of the difficulty .
7 We 've all seen pictures of Page 3 girls and pornographic images of women showing the female body in a constantly inviting , sexual way just walking into a newsagent 's on a Sunday morning often means you are surrounded by them ) and it is hardly surprising if girls themselves , as well as men , sometimes feel confused ; believing that girls might ‘ want ’ to be raped , or are asking for trouble , if they dress up to go out , or behave independently by going out or walking home alone .
8 In such assemblies the individual piece-parts are related simply by the geometric relationships that occur by accident or are required by design .
9 Danby and the other great Gorge masters rarely come to auction or are found for sale in galleries .
10 We do not yet know whether such differences are inherent or are induced by disease or even by the drugs themselves , or what part is played by age .
11 Successful candidates then go on to work on an MSc dissertation , or are recommended for registration for a PhD or MPhil .
12 When ice melts it is believed that this structure is largely maintained but that the spaces become partly filled , possibly by unbonded water molecules which are small enough to fit inside them , or are reduced in size by bending and reorganization of the hydrogen bonds .
13 So we pray for those we know in the church or parish who mourn the death of a loved one ; for those who are ill , or are convalescing after sickness or an operation ; for those who have to live with constant weakness or pain ; for those who are anxious about the health of a loved one , particularly mothers anxious about children .
14 It 's a matter of having spares for when any of them go lame , or are needed for work on the farm .
15 If you are a hospital patient , or are going into hospital , you should speak to a member of the nursing staff , about the arrangements for you going home .
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