Example sentences of "or from [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ivan was the real threat , and if only Adolf had the sense he 'd do a deal with Churchill , they 'd kick Neville into touch , and the pair of them would whip the Reds from here to Kingdom Come , or from arsehole to breakfast-time , whichever was the shorter route .
2 Certain categories of material ( such as archaeology , and fiction about London ) are excluded either because they are covered elsewhere , or from shortage of space .
3 The move from verse to prose can often signify a drop in seriousness , to mockery or ridicule ; from tension to relaxation ; or from public to private discourse .
4 Often official syllabuses and timetables reflect the influence and expertise of infant method specialists in ministries or from colleges of education .
5 These include difficulties in learning or in adjustment and behaviour , as well as problems resulting largely from sensory or physical impairments or from difficulties of communication from whatever cause .
6 Example 4 still remains a problem , but it may be that books could be suggested as more likely than boots from semantic co-occurrence information , or from frequency of use from a corpus ( books is five times more likely to occur than boots ) , especially if weighted from a count of occurrence in the script recognised so far .
7 Ultimately , of course , it does n't matter where or when the music was composed , and I urged any reader with an ear for beauty — whether your tastes habitually range from Mozart to early Beethoven , or from Bartók to Stockhausen , or anywhere in between or beyond — to investigate this CD forthwith .
8 The interests of the Directors and of the Company Secretary in the shares of the Company at the dates shown ( or from date of appointment if after 31 December 1991 ) together with particulars of their holdings and those of immediate families , were :
9 In these the water flow is from end to end or from middle to side , respectively , the clear water leaving by weirs or troughs , and the sludge on the bottom being removed by mechanical scraping gear that carries it to a sump from which it can be pumped away .
10 Subsequent annual measurements , made at more than 20 triangulated stations , have revealed that ice motion and ablation are not uniform from place to place or from year to year .
11 ‘ Term of years absolute ’ means a term of years … either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; … and in this definition the expression ‘ term of years ’ includes a term for less than a year , or for a year or years and a fraction of a year or from year to year ; …
12 205(1) ( xxvii ) " Term of years absolute " means a term of years ( taking effect either in possession or in reversion whether or not at a rent ) with or without impeachment for waste , subject or not to another legal estate , and either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; but does not include any term of years determinable with life or lives or with the cesser of a determinable life interest , nor , if created after the commencement of this Act , a term of years which is not expressed to take or from year to year
13 Were you to want to travel truly scenically from Bayonne to Cambo , or from Cambo to Bayonne for that matter , then you would take the road very magnificently known as the Route Impériale tea Cimes , or ‘ Imperial Route of the Peaks ’ , which lies east of the main road and is many times more beautiful .
14 Likewise , if past convention has made a particular layout familiar ( such as time increasing downwards or from left to right ) , a change should be considered only if a clear advantage is to be gained .
15 What counts as better or worse with respect to scientific theories will vary from individual to individual or from community to community .
16 They correct their own pronunciation , e.g. , fwo to fwog ( for frog ) ; their own morphology , e.g. , the man go to the man going or the man 's going ; and their own lexical choices , e.g. , from ship to boat ( for a rowing-boat ) , or from shoe to sandal ( for a sandal ) .
17 It make no difference at all , electronically speaking , whether the line is printed from left to right or from right to left and most modern printers are capable of bi-directional printing .
18 Do they mean none transferable from person to person or from book to book , erm , for everything it does n't say and if they know , both of them stopped sending out those
19 Other repetitive abnormal behaviour exhibited by deprived horses includes swinging the head and neck up and down , or from side to side , and the extension of this habit into the stable vice of weaving .
20 For Marxist thinkers this has usually meant the accession to power of a new class , involving the transformation of the whole social system , as in the transition from feudalism to capitalism , or from capitalism to socialism .
21 A court can include a requirement for the child to be medically or psychiatrically examined on one occasion or from time to time as directed by the supervisor ( para 4(2) ) .
22 Comfrey should be grown from divisions taken in spring or autumn or from pieces of root with a bud attached .
23 This idea of a connection between the capitalist economy and a democratic political system appeared in various forms in accounts of the transition that was seen as occurring in the nineteenth-century European societies ( for example , as a movement from status to contract , or from authority to citizenship ) , and it has continued to have an important influence in political theory to the present day .
24 3 Changes in mood , for example from indicative to interrogative or from imperative to subjunctive .
25 In every Shakespeare play where prose appears ( as it does in all but four : Henry VI , Parts 1 and 3 ; King John ; Richard II ) , characters constantly move from prose to verse , or from verse to prose , and back again .
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