Example sentences of "or a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It occurs when a writer applies a name or a descriptive term to an object to which it is not literally applicable ; when a word is carried over from its normal use to a new use .
2 We describe as weird , uncanny or spectacular , the resemblance of , say , a leaf insect to a leaf or a praying mantis to a cluster of pink flowers .
3 Italian-style cold drinks , such as iced coffee granita or a zingy blend of fresh fruit juices and grenadine , are also worth exploring .
4 How could people turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the horrors that they suffered ?
5 Constructive knowledge , which is said to exist were the accused ought to have realised that certain circumstances prevail and has failed to make the enquires a reasonable person would have made , is not applicable since ‘ knowingly ’ connotes either intention or a subjective awareness of the relevant facts .
6 Cadfael stooped and took it in both hands , and lifted it , and it parted from its setting without trailing a blade of grass or a torn edge of moss .
7 If you get lost , find a major garage or a well-lit street before stopping to ask directions , and do n't keep anything smash-and-grabbable on show in the driver 's cabin .
8 Which do the so called modernizers of the Party prefer , a party of two hundred thousand rift with division and on minority issues or a stable party with the input of four million working people ?
9 Many such adopters are anchored firmly in their beliefs ; they are open-minded and not contented with stereotypes or a superficial view of society .
10 Good songwriters often have unremarkable voices : a weather-beaten bleat that denotes experience , maybe , or a finished shine in which meaning can glisten .
11 Even here we can not be sure to what extent the pain of IBS is a normal perception of abnormal physiology or a normal perception of normal phenomena .
12 They saw a red Ace of Spades as a normal Ace of Diamonds or a normal Ace of Spades .
13 In the case when a clone length is less than that of a repetitive element ( or a total length of a group of adjacent repeats ) , a break in the contig is inevitable and can only be closed by using longer clones which can bridge the repeat .
14 How far all this was homesickness or a defensive strategy against ( anticipated ? ) rejection by the surrounding community , or just sheer stubbornness , I now ca n't tell , but I knew even then that it had nothing to do with the world in which I was trying to live .
15 The Middle East Economic Digest of March 16 described this prediction of a budget surplus as surprising to many observers , but noted that , in the absence of figures for years more recent than 1984 , it could not be determined whether it implied higher income or a sharp reduction in public expenditure .
16 These should be few and simple , and must certainly not involve them in any anxiety , or a sharp increase in effort or expenditure .
17 Massey and Catalano dismiss the importance of land interests as the basis of either fractions or a combined fraction of capital based on all three types .
18 If the speaker is lying , for instance , it may be that what caused his utterance was something quite opposed to belief in what he meant to say , or a favourable attitude towards what his utterance was meant to commend .
19 This process is continued until either the end of the input item or a terminal node in the tree is reached .
20 Other activities on offer were a family cycle ride round Lake Constance , which has 140km of bike lanes ; a dip in a nearby swimming pool ( a bus takes care of tired legs on the way back ) ; or a peaceful walk through the woods with the baby , along special paths made wide enough for prams .
21 It is uncertain whether HPV DNA acts as a causal agent or a causal passenger in colorectal carcinogenesis .
22 A weak sphincter muscle or a congenital deformation in the urinary system may be the underlying cause , or it could be a digestive upset causing diarrhoea .
23 When Auntie Jean slammed Uncle Ted 's tea on the table at the end of each day — a meat pie and chips , or a nice bit of rump steak and tartar sauce ( he had n't the nerve yet to go vegetarian ) — she sat opposite him with a stiff drink and demanded facts about Eva and Dad .
24 Staff at Watford Gap say they 're not looking for a place in the annals of high cuisine , just to continue making their customers a nice cup of tea in the morning or a nice cup of tea with their tea .
25 Every one of those links , whether it is an effect on the chemistry inside a cell , a later effect on how brain cells wire themselves together , an even later effect on behaviour , or a final effect on lake size , is correctly regarded as caused by a change in the DNA .
26 Before you know , it is your final day and time for buying those last presents or a final walk along the promenade before boarding the coach for the journey home .
27 Mr Kinnock said the choice on polling day was between a Tory Party that , after 13 years in power , had proved beyond doubt it had no ambition to make Britain better and no conscience to make Britain worse , or a Labour Party with active policies to pull the country out of recession and build a lasting recovery .
28 Mr Kinnock said the choice on polling day was between a Tory Party that , after 13 years in power , had proved beyond doubt it had no ambition to make Britain better and no conscience to make Britain worse , or a Labour Party with active policies to pull the country out of recession and build a lasting recovery .
29 In such cases , it may be quite difficult to distinguish hyperkinetic syndrome from normal' behaviour — emotional upset and misconduct may be due to family tensions , lack of discipline , an unsettled home life , difficulties at school , or a great variety of other causes .
30 For a few it is immensely strong , and the search for law or a great master at Bologna — for theology and Abelard at Paris — played its part in bringing students to distant schools in the early twelfth century , the first great creative age in the formation of medieval universities .
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