Example sentences of "or [noun sg] to any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from re-arranging the furniture — which can be a bad enough job in itself — visualising an extension or addition to any building can be very difficult .
2 Loss of or damage to any car which you are driving or using , which does not belong to you , is not being bought by you under a hire purchase agreement or is not leased to you .
3 Loss of or damage to any car which you are driving or using , which does not belong to you , is not being bought by you under a hire purchase agreement or is not leased to you .
4 Loss of or damage to any car which you are driving or using , which does not belong to you , is not being bought by you under a hire purchase agreement or is not leased to you .
5 The Corporation will indemnify the Policyholder against loss of or damage to any motor car described in the Schedule ( and its accessories and spare parts while thereon or while in the Policyholders private garage ) .
6 These sections do not cover : — loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to , by or arising from
7 ‘ It shall be the duty of the licensee to secure that — ( a ) no such occurrence involving nuclear matter as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) of this section causes injury to any person or damage to any property of any person other than the licensee , being injury or damage arising out of or resulting from the radioactive properties , or a combination of those and any toxic , explosive or other hazardous properties , of that nuclear matter ; and ( b ) no ionising radiations emitted during the period of the licensee 's responsibility — ( i ) from anything caused or suffered by the licensee to be on the site which is not nuclear matter ; or ( ii ) from any waste discharged ( in whatever form ) on or from the site , cause injury to any person or damage to any property of any person other than the licensee . ’
8 ‘ It shall be the duty of the licensee to secure that — ( a ) no such occurrence involving nuclear matter as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) of this section causes injury to any person or damage to any property of any person other than the licensee , being injury or damage arising out of or resulting from the radioactive properties , or a combination of those and any toxic , explosive or other hazardous properties , of that nuclear matter ; and ( b ) no ionising radiations emitted during the period of the licensee 's responsibility — ( i ) from anything caused or suffered by the licensee to be on the site which is not nuclear matter ; or ( ii ) from any waste discharged ( in whatever form ) on or from the site , cause injury to any person or damage to any property of any person other than the licensee . ’
9 any accident loss or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss
10 any accident loss or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss any liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel .
11 ( d ) Damage Pure financial loss is not covered under the CPA 1987 where " damage " is defined under s5(1) to mean " death or personal injury or any loss of or damage to any property ( including land ) " .
12 Thus s5(3) states : ( 3 ) A person shall not be liable under section 2 above for any loss of or damage to any property which , at the time it is lost or damaged , is not- ( a ) of a description of property ordinarily intended for private use , occupation or consumption ; and ( b ) intended by the person suffering the loss or damage mainly for his own private use , occupation or consumption .
13 The Corporation will indemnify the Policyholder against loss of or damage to any Caravan described in the Schedule its Equipment and Contents ( other than Personal Effects ) while therein or thereon or in the immediate vicinity thereof .
14 Indeed , where the bank or other party refuses to co-operate and the offence is serious , or is likely to lead to substantial financial gain or loss to any person , the same act allows the police to search for evidence which has the intention of furthering a criminal purpose , and in such cases this provision overrides legal privilege .
15 When the time is ripe the mandate will go forward that the men will refuse to load and unload , to supply coal or cargo to any ship in a British port where a Lascar or a Chinaman is on board " .
16 Rather like the English WILL O'THE WISP , this light bobs at eye level and invariably presages death or mishap to any traveller who follows it , mistaking it for the lights of a welcoming farmhouse .
17 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
18 ‘ The report in which this notice to reader is incorporated does not constitute an offer or invitation to any section of the public to subscribe for or purchase any securities in Growing Business Limited .
19 As the Law Commission recommended in 1976 , the test should be whether the granting of relief to an applicant who has delayed would cause substantial prejudice or hardship to any person or would be detrimental to good administration .
20 death of or injury to any person other than a member of your family or household or an employee
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