Example sentences of "or [noun sg] [coord] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 the tank this just hold compressed air and comes in sizes ranging from 7 litre to 15 litre they are made from steel or aluminium and have a valve to let the air out .
2 A firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not make any personal recommendation to a private customer of an investment or investment agreement , or effect or arrange a discretionary transaction with or for an customer , unless the recommendation or transaction is suitable for him , having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer and other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or reasonably should be aware .
3 When an intruder opens a door or window and operates a switch , a Logic 1 pulse is given to the set input .
4 It can be laced with herbs or garlic and has a rather sour flavour — butter or cream are sometimes worked into the cheese to give a more rounded taste .
5 I know that such experiences are often said to be the result of the individuals concerned having read a book or article or seen a film or television programme about the particular place and then having forgotten that they have done so .
6 The energy of a beta-ray ( electron ) is sufficient to excite an atom or molecule and cause a quantum jump , with the input energy being totally absorbed .
7 Lord Simon showed what a difficult concept this is when he reviewed various possible definitions of " quasi-arbitrator " in Arenson v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [ 1975 ] 3 WLR 815 at 824 G. He said that it could mean ( 1 ) a third party whose duty it is , in deciding a question , to " hold the scales fairly " and who is " likely to be shot at by both sides " this was formulated three different ways ; or ( 2 ) " an arbitrator at common law in contradistinction from one under the Arbitration Act 1950 " [ an obscure conceptpresumably only for oral arbitration agreements or agreements specifically excluding the operation of the Act ] ; or ( 3 ) " a person who is not an arbitrator under the Arbitration Act 1950 but nevertheless acts in a judicial capacity or character or fulfills a judicial function . "
8 Shoreline also have a popular variation on the castle theme ( illustrated ) designed to fit into the corner of the tank and mask an uplift ( or mask and protect a heaterstat ) .
9 Hurdles of metal , split oak , or wattle are very useful for quick repairs to a hedge or wall or to fold a few sheep on rape or turnips ( although they are laborious for the latter .
10 Invite a member of the audience onto the stage or platform and show a rope tied together in a loop .
11 Of course , dustproof bags , cases for machines , and strong plastic covers for papers and boxes of computer disks can be a great help , but above all , keep a constant check on all your materials and if you are away from your house for a long time , lock them all up in a metal trunk or barrel and ask a local friend to check your house for termites from time to time .
12 Marker , 27 , can play in defence or midfield and has a hard-man reputation .
13 the notation which is the code for use in the index or catalogue and has a self evident order which helps in signalling the arrangement ; and
14 They may be heated by steam coil , electric immersion heater or gas and provide a hot rinse and disinfection capability .
15 The district court of the district in which a person resides or is found may order him to give his testimony or statement or to produce a document or other thing for use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal .
16 They are fun or their readers or audience and offer a chance to win something for nothing or at least for a very slight effort .
17 It draws us towards other ignored aspects of existence usually called the psychic , esoteric or occult and suggests a possible connection .
18 General courses have so far been defined in mainly negative terms , as ones which are neither geared to a specific external profession or occupation nor provide a specialized preparation for postgraduate research and , implicitly , an academic career .
19 This reduces the surface wetted by dew or shower and exposes a greater area of bare ground to the early sun the following morning .
20 You may feel that you were good at English or school or have a flair for the English language .
21 In a bare tank ( minimum size 10″ x 6″ x 6″ ) , suspend two spawning mops on pieces of cork or polystyrene and place a clump of Java Moss on the tank base for the female to hide in when she requires a respite from spawning .
22 Grease a 25cm ( 10 ’ ) ring mould , a microproof mould , or grease and line a 20cm ( 8 ’ ) round tin .
23 The ‘ case-work ’ approach had much to be said for it in that it entailed a serious attempt to analyse the nature of the problem confronting the individual or family and to achieve a lasting solution without removing the clients from their familiar environment .
24 In a situation like this , it would be advisable to use the privacy of the manager 's office , order a pot of tea or coffee and have a drink of brandy or something similar handy .
25 This endorsement should be applied where the policyholder is a doctor or dentist and has a surgery in his home .
26 It was useful in raising broad questions about human progress or decline and projecting a grandiose vision of health .
27 But if one walks inland across the salt marsh or sabkha and digs a hole , one can find the same algal mat buried beneath wind-blown sand with layers of anhydrite and gypsum .
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