Example sentences of "or [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Current refinements , no doubt with Christmas present buying in mind , include boxed sets of three or more related cassettes from Warners — for example , all three of James Dean 's movies for £29.95 , or for the same price , Marilyn Monroe in The Prince and the Showgirl , The Misfits and ( a bit of a scoop , since it has not been on video before ) Some Like It Hot .
2 Received messages can be deleted or stored and even structured to link messages from the same person or about the same subject .
3 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
4 As you get older , and your age group moves up the pyramid , getting slightly smaller , do you think that your group will need more , less , or about the same number of houses , hospitals and other services as those who go before you ?
5 Attitudes to private schools are summarised in Figure 11.20 , which shows the percentages of people in Great Britain ( in 1987 ) who thought there should be more , fewer , none , or about the same number as then .
6 Is the natural gas found in rocks which are younger , older or about the same age as the Coal Measures ?
7 ‘ ( 1 ) The register may be rectified pursuant to an order of the court or by the registrar , subject to an appeal to the court , in any of the following cases , but subject to the provisions of this section : — ( a ) Subject to any express provisions of this Act to the contrary , where a court of competent jurisdiction has decided that any person is entitled to any estate right or interest in or to any registered land or charge , and as a consequence of such decision such court is of opinion that a rectification of the register is required , and makes an order to that effect ; ( b ) Subject to any express provision of this Act to the contrary , where the court , on the application in the prescribed manner of any person who is aggrieved by any entry made in , or by the omission of any entry from , the register , or by any default being made , or unnecessary delay taking place , in the making of any entry in the register , makes an order for the rectification of the register ; ( c ) In any case and at any time with the consent of all persons interested ; ( d ) Where the court or the registrar is satisfied that any entry in the register has been obtained by fraud ; ( e ) Where two or more persons are , by mistake , registered as proprietors of the same registered estate or of the same charge ; ( f ) Where a mortgagee has been registered as proprietor of the land instead of as proprietor of a charge and a right of redemption is subsisting ; ( g ) Where a legal estate has been registered in the name of a person who if the land had not been registered would not have been the estate owner ; and ( h ) In any other case where , by reason of any error or omission in the register , or by reason of any entry made under a mistake , it may be deemed just to rectify the register .
8 Payment shall not be made to the Insured Person under more than one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) in respect of the same injury or of the same period of disablement .
9 ‘ Reserve stock , describes a closed access part of a library located in or near the same building as the open access collections .
10 Darkfalls occur regularly on or near the same locality .
11 Second , only rarely would a coin have been lost at or near the same time when it was made ; we must bear in mind how long a particular type of coin is likely to have stayed in circulation .
12 ( e ) a financial or other professional adviser ( including a stockbroker ) with its client in respect of the shareholdings of the adviser and persons controlling , controlled by or under the same control as the adviser ( except in the capacity of an exempt market-maker ( see para 7.7 below ) ) ; and
13 To construct a yield curve correctly , only bonds from a homogeneous group should be included — for example , only bonds from the same risk class or with the same degree of liquidity .
14 Lanes 8–10 competition experiment : extracts of N-Oct 3 transfected COS 7 cells were incubated before EMSA with no specific competitor DNA ( lane 8 ) , with a 250-fold molar excess of wild type unlabelled octamer probe ( lane 9 ) or with the same amount of a mutated octamer probe ( lane 10 ) .
15 It should be noted , however , that there were several branches of the Leapor family in Brackley , and that the same Christian names were repeated over generations or within the same generation to such an extent that it is difficult to separate families , or even to identify individuals .
16 Why not extend the study to co occurrence within the same phrase ( moon in a silver sky ) or within the same sentence ( the moon stared down with its silver eye ) ?
17 If the QDMs remain within 3° to 4° of each other when homing , or within the same amount of a desired track QDM , then do n't change heading .
18 No two people age at the same rate or in the same way .
19 they provide no way of measuring the salience of an attitude ; we never know whether the attitude would have been expressed at all , or in the same way , apart from the direct question …
20 We may become more like them in our styles and habits ; we may begin to look at our children as our parents looked at us ; we may even assume that we will die at the age at which they died , and of the same disease or in the same way .
21 The same sound may well be written with different symbols , even in the same language session or in the same word on different occasions .
22 Chapter 10 explained that although the four macroeconomic objectives listed earlier are each related in some manner to the level of demand , the relationship is by no means uniform or in the same direction .
23 Did they receive similar care at the same time or in the same order ?
24 For whose benefit do a number of clients receive care either at the same time or in the same order ?
25 When children hear both terms in the same instruction or in the same condition , they do not treat more and less as synonymous .
26 In other words , it is not arbitrary that the wolf and dog are closer to one another than either is to the cat , but it is to some extent arbitrary whether one recognizes some given degree of similarity by placing two species in the same genus , or in the same family .
27 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
28 Erm and I would I would want to try and do some er organize some press coverage at that time for the losers as well as for the winner so that a a and one of the things when we select the participants , er the entrants , er we will not have them all coming from the same school or from the same area , even if the five best entrants all do come from the same school .
29 If you attempt to pass the SPR on for the seventh time or to the same user twice , LIFESPAN will display an error message and you will not be allowed to pass it on .
30 The first is where the Act is silent or ambiguous on any given point and the second is where the court in a decided case has given a particular interpretation to a section of the Act ( or to the same section in the original Act of 1893 ) .
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