Example sentences of "or [prep] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The law therefore allows the offence to be treated just as seriously as rape , and we have seen how some would argue that it should be included as a form of rape , or at least as a form of the most serious offence of sexual assault , in any reformed law .
2 In one case " attainment of a norm " will mean style borrowing : the approximation to some external norm as a " disguise " or at least as a point of reference .
3 yes , well , er I follow that , but I 'm sorry I put it rather badly Mr forgive me , part of your defence against the claim by er relates to erm these agreements , you must say that these agreements erm because they are of the standard form are anti competitive and therefore they or part of them are void , erm building on that presumably your defence says or employs er that because erm , you know there void , I du n no perhaps you can tell me this erm , all , all the er all parts of the void , all the power of the agent , the agreements with regard to premium trust funds and the like , er are also unenforceable as between er the erm name and his er members agent , erm and in consequence of that you say , as I understand it , er that that is , all that cause be lost which you can neither set up as a defence to claim under the central bi-law or at least as a set up or counterclaim , I just wanted to explore this aspect of it , erm , as to the consequences of your plea , does it mean that clause nine is put on one side wholly or to an extent in the latter case to what extent ?
4 Such a course can then remain relatively isolated , or at least on a par with other courses offered within the same institution on a more traditional basis , or act as a focus for further course development ( through the processes of ‘ accretion ’ or ‘ invention discussed in Chapter 2 ) .
5 They are fun or their readers or audience and offer a chance to win something for nothing or at least for a very slight effort .
6 The first was the pressure for independence or at least for a measure of internal self-government in India .
7 It will go forever — or at least for a century .
8 Clues to the exact build quality on a guitar such as this lay within , which is a tall order for the humble reviewer , but by hook or by crook — or at least with a simple mirror — all is revealed .
9 It still has to be used full screen , or at least with a fixed window size .
10 The most significant developments occurred in Scandinavia where there was a long tradition of limited cooperation , or at least of a belief in a common cultural area which made such cooperation valuable , if not almost inevitable .
11 At the same time , by not forcing the text to fit the categories of the model , the text can be seen as a transformation of it , or at least of a part of it .
12 The next day , as you come at the problems with a fresh eye ( or at least from a slightly different angle ) , the notes look wrong again , but this time for slightly different reasons .
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