Example sentences of "or [prep] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A thoroughgoing deconstructive analysis would show culture being absorbed into literature , or at least into textuality and verbal play .
2 If you have to stay long in bed , or at least at home , you will need to make arrangements so that you can cope .
3 Appeals from the mayor of St Petersburg to the Russian government for financing the work , or at least for preservation of the monument , have had no reply .
4 In any case , at that time the head of the chancery needed to be acquainted more with Roman law , or at least with canon law , than common law , for chancery was just then beginning to function as a court of equity , a notion unfamiliar in the common law .
5 The picture painted in the preceding pages is in the main one of stability , or at least of change which was usually slow and almost unconscious .
6 It was couched in the form of a joke , or at least of banter , but it had the directness that he knew many women responded to .
7 The point of Benjamin 's article seems to be to decentre the political , or at least to subject it to test , to remove those making claims for their political correctness from their habitual position of judge and jury : such that the art can , in principle , sort out the politics , and not just vice versa .
8 If you need to tack quickly , then once again , start at the starboard end , or at least to starboard of the main bunch of yachts .
9 As we have seen , most of the internal volume of wood material is taken up with empty space , or at least by air and sap .
10 ‘ Oliver , ’ I said trying to sound like his mother ( or at least like mine ) , ‘ Oliver , do n't be ridiculous .
11 Understanding , or at least in part , she murmured , ‘ And so , because you 've been hurt , are angry , think I 'm somehow privileged , you want me to be hurt … ’
12 It is suggested that we should develop in co-operation , or at least in parallel , with similar organizations , so that we do not paint ourselves into a corner with incompatible technologies .
13 In fact , I perceived once again , as I have repeatedly done since , that young people — and this applies to girls just as much as to boys — need , almost to the point of desperation , writers , inevitably older , who speak to their generation and in their language , or at least in language which , once they hear it , they perceive to be theirs .
14 Ramsay did what he could to try to keep his men in some sort of order , or at least in touch with each other and himself , but this proved to be scarcely feasible .
15 At that time sodomy was associated with a whole range of evils , including insurrection and heresy ; all such evils could be , and often were , ‘ imagined ’ in the form of , or at least in relation to , the sodomite .
16 In Art History the rehabilitation of artists and bodies of work which have been overlooked has been going on since Vasari made such a good job of classifying Florentine art that all other art in Italy and beyond has had to be defined , at least until this century , and at some level even now , in relation to Vasari 's classifications , or at least in relation to the model of stylistic evolution which he outlined .
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