Example sentences of "or [adj] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I remember me gathering the hens up that night late oh about ten or eleven o'clock at night and we had our own power you see by that time .
2 Banged up at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. at night it still goes on .
3 ‘ I could mend that for you , ’ he had said , hating anything broken or untidy only for want of a firm nail .
4 The law of breach of confidence can supplement copyright and patent protection especially in the early stages when there is nothing tangible or substantial enough for copyright or patent to protect .
5 Sources say Intel now figures it wo n't be able to ship them more than 2,000 or 3,000 apiece before October , a third of what had been projected before ( UX No 418 ) .
6 When I go for a night session I make sure to arrive well before darkness , usually around 7.30 p.m. or 8 p.m. in summer , when dusk does not fall until 10 p.m. or so .
7 This was generally , although not incontrovertibly , taken to mean a deadline of midnight on Jan. 15-16 at UN headquarters in New York ( Eastern Standard Time , corresponding to 5 a.m. on Jan. 16 , Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT ) , or 8 a.m. on Jan. 16 , Kuwaiti/Iraq local time ) .
8 you know kind of there 's all this quips about sort of semen making your hair grow and all that kind of thing erm you know so erm it 's , it 's , it 's one of these things that erm sort of erm kind of people , people s slip into on the basis of you know th er as far as I could tell there was no sort of firm evidence that these blokes were gay or heterosexual apart from judgments made on their demeanour and personal appearance erm you know but er you know it gave rise to a whole range of , you know , kind of supposedly humorous talk erm in that context erm so there 's a whole range of things erm tt you know sort of talk and mannerisms and , and er , you know , kind of also gossip and suspicions about them , oh is he married if not does he have a girlfriend , if not ooh I wonder if he 's gay , you know , kind of things that we understand about people 's relationships feed into it so
9 it must have been about four or five o'clock in morning , and now we never hear any traffic .
10 If anything the gulf separating them from an outside world which uprooted families and whole villages for labour on distant farms , or worse still in factories and mines , which extracted taxes , recruits and grain , which subjected them to constant brutality and humiliation grew steadily wider .
11 Soon after , perhaps only a matter of weeks , they are dead , or dwindling rapidly in size as they absorb their own body fats .
12 to fetch all badness , I mean it were all five of those bottle or four up in London
13 That was a lot of money in those days and there were a lot of men eager to do it — around twenty or thirty out of Baldersdale were hired .
14 Students should have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent either in Philosophy or in another subject where there is evidence of the student 's aptitude for studies in philosophy .
15 Students must have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent either in Philosophy or in another subject where there is evidence that the student can convert successfully to the study of Philosophy .
16 I have no doubt that were he here today he would tell us that he was merely offering the hypothesis as a basis for argument ; but bearing in mind that the right hon. and learned Gentleman is the author of the words that I uttered a moment or two ago in support of the analysis of the historical nature of the government of Scotland , the Government should certainly take some account of this further straw in the wind .
17 The same car registered just a week or two later in January will be worth several hundred pounds more when it 's time to trade it in .
18 All are vigorous , forming tough prickly 5–6ft ( T.5–1.8m ) shrubs — and one or two up to 8ft ( 2.4m ) or more — so read the individual descriptions very carefully when choosing .
19 He admits he enjoys a beer or two away from race weekends .
20 you go right through the tunnel and this Queen 's Drive was ooh , about a mile or two out of Liverpool so to get back to the tunnel you come down Upper Parliament Street , I 'll never forget to my dying day , and it was down hill and these traffic lights down the bottom should of been should of been , but they were n't operating , they were digging th
21 The section on Italian animals is particularly interesting to visitors intending to spend a day or two out of town .
22 He might pick up a truth or two perhaps from servants or villagers of the Old Baron 's generation . ’
23 After a year or two down in Kent , Northern Arts ' erstwhile Literature Officer , Jenny Attala , comes back to the region as Principal Officer in the Published and Broadcast Arts Department .
24 Nineteen thirty-six , there was an active service unit who set a bomb or two off in London .
25 It was not a book that he had packed when leaving London : he had bought it a day or two earlier in Inverness , and to Boswell , years later , he gave , not unmemorably , his reasons for buying it at all : ‘ Why , Sir , if you are to have but one book with you upon a journey , let it be a book of science .
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