Example sentences of "or [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We will introduce rebates for small businesses to protect those who are setting up in business or struggling to stay in business .
2 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
3 Cells came together ( or failed to separate after cell division ) to form many-celled bodies .
4 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
5 For many people there is something terrifying in the thought that in a universe in which man is so insignificant in comparison with the unreasoning forces of nature , most of his own organism belongs to or wants to defect to nature .
6 So does deliberately wetting the carpet or shouting angrily at mother , or refusing to go to bed .
7 In Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 the central issue was not whether a child patient under the age of 16 could refuse medical treatment if the parents or the court consented , but whether the parents could effectively impose a veto on treatment by failing or refusing to consent to treatment to which the child might consent .
8 Women should have no sexual desires whereas men should be insatiable ; if women get out of line by expressing autonomous desire or refusing to cater to men 's , they will be censured .
9 But if you have to choose one market and you 're producing for or looking to sell to TV , then MIP-TV is probably the better place .
10 A bitch will alter depending on whether she is in season , in false pregnancy or waiting to come on heat .
11 The Policyholder having made to the Corporation a written proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and having paid or agreed to pay on demand the premium stated in the Schedule the Corporation will provide insurance hereinafter contained in respect of events happening within the Territorial Limits or in the course of transit by sea or air ( including hovercraft ) between places within the Territorial Limits ( including processes of loading and unloading ) during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule or during any period for which the Corporation may accept payment for the renewal of this Policy .
12 The Policyholder having made to the Corporation a written proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and having paid or agreed to pay on demand the premium stated in the Schedule the Corporation will provide insurance hereinafter contained in respect of events happening within the Territorial Limits or in the course of transit by sea or air ( including hovercraft ) between places within the Territorial Limits ( including processes of loading and unloading ) during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule or during any period for which the Corporation may accept payment for the renewal of this Policy .
13 Er I think one of the greatest er causes of s absenteeism , it was n't so much ill health er not on the part of the pupil , I think it was more er if something was wrong within th family , particularly if you was an elder daughter or an elder boy , you see and erm , if your mother was ill or or confined you see , you were probably kept at home er for those sort of reasons to either look after the the younger children at home or to help to look after home .
14 The £100,000 is lent to an underlying company or used to subscribe for share capital in the underlying company .
15 A spokesman for North Yorkshire police appealed to anyone who might know the man , or be offered drugs or syringes to get in touch immediately Harrogate police can be contacted by telephoning .
16 Poland had by now withdrawn most of its trade through the city to its own port at Gdynia , and the Reich could hardly be expected to maintain or guarantee for an indefinite period the subsidy the city required.20 Lipski and Göring agreed that Germany and Poland should draw together in an understanding that they would jointly stabilise the city if the League should either collapse or decide to withdraw from Danzig .
17 The boy always having adventures and escapades while the girl looks on admiringly , tells him to be careful or stays to play with dolls , is by no means automatically true of the day-to-day play activities of young children .
18 He did not want to attract attention by being the first or last to appear for dinner , so he left things until five minutes to eight , by which time he had heard several other guests moving about .
19 Dwyer is monitoring the continuing rumpus over whether players should be involved with their provinces in 15-a-side competitions or opt to play for Australia in the sevens tournaments .
20 1 Did you enjoy reading more , or less ? 2 Did you read different kinds of book as you got older ? 3 Did you read comics ? 4 Did you read information books ? 5 Did you have reading tests ? 6 Did you have any favourite books or authors ? 7 Did you have any hates or fears to do with reading ?
21 Queueing or having to wait in shops is disliked ; so are certain kinds of shops — in some the large supermarket , and in some the small corner shop .
22 The boredom was broken only by bayoneting rats , bailing more water out of the trench or having to listen to Tommy repeat the same old melodies on a now rusty mouth-organ .
23 By fundamental barriers we mean those difficulties , which usually arise from a person 's personal circumstances such as lack of money or having to look after dependants .
24 The most common cause for solicitors having to claim on their professional indemnity insurance in personal injury work is the missing of time limits and allowing cases to become statute barred , either by failing to issue in time or failing to serve in time .
25 Whether or not horses understand landing procedure ( they do n't smoke or have to cope with seat-belts ) , it occurred to me that we had taken a couple of bites at the cherry on our approach — I could only guess how near we came to dismantling the gateway to India , for there are no windows in those vehicles .
26 The Commission normally takes two months to investigate charges , after which it could either instruct Britain to set its VAT rates in conformity with European legislation or proceed to put into effect the long awaited 7th Directive on fiscal matters .
27 It did not court or attempt to mate with females on heat , even though it appeared to be anatomically well equipped to do so .
28 Er we are not required or intending to look at objections which have been submitted on other aspects of the structure plan .
29 Published diaries which record a day-to-day chronology of events may not be the most coherent of records , but they do not suffer from being over-edited , tidied up or altered to fit into hindsight .
30 If your business regularly makes or receives payments in foreign currencies , or wishes to borrow in anticipation of receiving payments from abroad , you may find it convenient and cost-effective to open foreign currency bank accounts .
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