Example sentences of "or [verb] [prep] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
2 They were executed or sentenced to long periods of forced labour .
3 The British War Cabinet fully recognised the implications of this , and the likelihood that many would be executed as traitors or sentenced to long terms in prison camps .
4 This will divert forests from disputed uplands where foresters are frequently held up or defeated in long battles with environment groups .
5 Culyer et al ( 1988 ) stress that ‘ care will have to be exercised to ensure that very sick and elderly patients are not treated or cared for long distances away from their homes and families ’ .
6 ( 1988 ) stress that ‘ care will have to be exercised to ensure that very sick and elderly patients are not treated or cared for long distances away from their homes and families ’ [ … ]
7 In contrast with [ 27 ] , a hearer who is presented with the repetition in [ 25 ] is encouraged to dwell on what he or she knows or imagines about long walks — the physical discomfort perhaps , or , alternatively , the exhilaration derived from the freedom .
8 If you notice a particular position that causes discomfort or pain , such as sitting or standing for long periods , then you do as Alexander did and use a mirror to help you detect the source of your problem .
9 An older horse may be quite fit , maybe having been hunted or hacked for long distances .
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