Example sentences of "his [noun] at [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He also made clear his misgivings at the attempts to rush the decision .
2 Devos might have added that Charpentier frequently reinforces his wishes at the ends of sections with verbal indications such as ‘ Passez sans interruption a la suite ’ ( ‘ Continue without interruption to the next movement ’ ) , or ‘ Suivez au Choeur sans interruption ’ ( ‘ Continue with the chorus without interruption ’ ) .
3 When Mackay launched his cavalry at the attackers ' flank to try to restore the situation , they were caught up in the rout of the demoralised infantry , now stampeding from the field , while the victorious Highlanders pressed on unchecked until distracted from killing by the chance of plunder as they reached Mackay 's baggage train .
4 ‘ Someone 's been splashing out at Woolworths , ’ said O'Hara , tapping with his hook at the pearls .
5 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for the way in which he expressed his sympathy and that of his party and his revulsion at the events that have occurred .
6 In addition to his talents at the maltings , is a champion darts player and most recently was an individuals finalist in the area finals .
7 When he was Prime Minister he made little personal impact on television , bared his teeth at the cameras like an old dog , and was generally aloof and buffer-like .
8 The wind blew his words at the men and they stopped , glancing at each other .
9 Wilson treated the majority with caution prior to his defeat at the polls in June 1970 .
10 Having been a hostage among the Huns himself , he had called in Hunnic troops to support the usurper Joannes in 425 ; he fled to them after his defeat at the hands of Boniface in 432 ; and he was probably behind their destruction of the Burgundian kingdom in the mid-430s .
11 His arms had been amputated at the elbow and his legs at the knees .
12 A man sits in his car at the traffic-lights , waiting for them to go green .
13 He could n't dismiss the images , he could n't stay Time 's hand as it turned page after page of that memory-album until tears flooded his eyes at the scenes recalled : his mother , her brown hair screwed into a bun at the back of her head , taking him to see a house at Edgeworthstown where she said a famous woman writer had lived ; he had n't paid much attention , not being interested in books then , but when he grew older he read Maria Edgeworth 's novels and went again for himself to gaze at her home .
14 It was Pascoe 's turn to roll his eyes at the heavens .
15 His sense of mischief almost prevailed ; he wondered how the Americans would have dealt with his losses at the gaming-tables .
16 There is also an exemption in the case of the supply of alcoholic liquor for the consumption of friends of a resident who are being bona fide entertained by him at his expense at the premises where he is residing ( e ) .
17 At a time of radical change in Hungary , Nick Dallman relives his experiences at the hands of the secret and often brutal state now being dismantled State of fear .
18 In part he is swayed by fear of his fate at the hands of the enraged seamen : in part he is driven by an awakening of conscience as painful as the circulation returning to the frozen body of Thomas Fox when he is brought down from the masthead .
19 He looked up into the black sky and waved his fist at the stars .
20 The Commissariat will henceforth be administered by Mr Simmons , and Mr Rayne will take up his duties at the ramparts ; his bearers , however , will remain to assist in the Commissariat .
21 The question of racial discri mination was first raised in correspondence between Mr Michael Day , the chairman of the commission , and Mr Francis Petre , his counterpart at the complaints authority .
22 The nation was horrified as details emerged of his ordeal at the hands of the Provisional IRA .
23 A paperboy has been telling of his ordeal at the hands of a gunman .
24 Three CSEs are what he took to his job at a glaziers .
25 He takes over his job at the telecommunications regulator on 1 April .
26 He wrinkled his nose at the smells , thinking that the cowardly little wretches were trying to keep out of his way .
27 His shame at the hands of the Doctor parasite seems to have unhinged him .
28 She was muttering to herself about it crossly , and nearly cannoned into Travis , who had stopped in his tracks at the sounds issuing from behind him .
29 Waking in his room at the week-ends , Sandra was there beside him , her head against his shoulder , the sun-bleached hair half-covering her ears ; the warm curve of her body shuddered a little when he stroked it , his fingers traced round the freckles on her shoulder , islands on an ocean of tanned skin .
30 He would hold his room at the Palings while he went back to London .
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