Example sentences of "his [noun] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Preston 's playing is so vivacious , his enthusiasm for the music so stimulating and his obvious enjoyment in playing this marvellous instrument ( which the DG engineers have recorded with something well into the demonstration category ) so infectious that I doubt even the most dyed-in-the-wool hater of organ music could fail to be won over to the cause .
2 For a time Charles surprised his friends by his enthusiasm for the nursery routine .
3 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
4 On the Glomar Challenger , and back on shore , Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor .
5 Herbert caught his enthusiasm for the idea .
6 He had lost most of his enthusiasm for the idea by now .
7 The Sunday Citizen explained his enthusiasm for the Profumo affair because of a long-cherished personal grudge against Profumo and of having unearthed a juicy scandal by snooping that would have done credit to a divorce detective .
8 Today more than ever , his enthusiasm for the car is tangible .
9 His closeness to the king and his enthusiasm for the war would have ensured him a place as a leader of the younger generation of nobles , and his death was yet another misfortune for the king .
10 In a recent essay on de Nooijer , Hripsime Visser describes his enthusiasm for the baroque ; a de Nooijer mural for a school in Nieuwegein is called D'UNE MANIÈRE BAROQUE ( 1985 ) .
11 He does remember Hollar from ten years ago and that he did get a good degree ( p. 52 ) , and his enthusiasm for the fact is indicated by the emphatic nature of his approbation — " Of course you did .
12 Dedicated football fan that he is , Anderson attempts to give advice to Crisp and Broadbent in a long and excited utterance , but this is only a part of the whole picture because his enthusiasm for the topic , implicated by the length of the turn , conflicts with the hesitancy he also displays .
13 Nearly two decades have passed since Bobby Charlton graced the world 's most famous football grounds , but as Mark Kiff reports , his enthusiasm for the game remains undiminished .
14 His enthusiasm for the game is clearly undiminished and the 35 Scottish coaches present at the Dundee seminar are certain to have benefited from his experience .
15 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
16 How does the hon. Gentleman square his enthusiasm for the right of veto on that occasion with the decision of the leader of his party that he would give way at Maastricht on all the issues that are now being discussed ?
17 ‘ This … ’ said Tom Kean carefully , reading the paper again to convince his brain as well as his eyes , ’ — is General Robert E. Lee 's orders to his Commanders for the battle … we 've found their plan of action wrapped round three cigars . ’
18 J. G. spelt out his credo for the craft in a short note in his book An Outline of the Universe published in 1931 : ‘ …
19 This Sunday morning , as he broke a piece from the bagel to pronounce over it the Grace Before Meals , there was a special fervour in his voice , his blue eyes were full of love and good humour , and he refused room in his heart for the sorrow he knew he would feel on leaving his family .
20 When those efforts failed , Arnulf turned to Becket , trying to persuade him to moderate his views for the sake of ecclesiastical unity .
21 Agrippa introduced them , ushering them to seats , clicking his fingers for the servant to serve them wine and sweetmeats .
22 It was infuriating that she should need this arrogant cynic who only had to snap his fingers for the world to leap to attention , anxious to please .
23 But with the Dalai Lama , who fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule , now honoured with a Nobel Peace Prize not merely for his religious work but for ‘ his struggle for the liberation of Tibet ’ , China 's efforts to keep him and his cause in quarantine will be all the more difficult .
24 He condemned the " junta " in Tbilisi and vowed to continue his struggle for the restoration of " lawful authority " in Georgia .
25 And his notes for the course on lyric ( prepared in the spring of 1869 ) show him devoting ten times more space to the dithyramb , of which next to nothing had survived from antiquity , than to the epinician , the kind immortalized by Pindar and the only kind that had survived in any bulk . "
26 By Friday she had arranged everything to Rob 's satisfaction , although as she handed Luke his notes for the meeting in York she still had some reservations about his reaction to his brother 's methods of expressing gratitude .
27 Further argument was profitless when he started shuffling his notes for the judgment which he would , in almost every case , deliver without hesitation or correction as soon as counsel sat down .
28 Miss Logan would not allow the Kurd to bandage Miss Fergusson ; she accepted pieces of his shirt for the purpose , but then insisted that he turn his back .
29 A limited partner , however , contributes capital or property to the partnership on entry , the valuation of which represents the limit of his liability for the firm 's debts and obligations .
30 In May 1916 Woodrow Wilson , the US President , declared his support for the idea of a League of Nations .
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