Example sentences of "his [noun] [vb past] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 His arrogance made him virile and masculine , his stubbornness gave him the character to administer his centuries-old responsibilities .
2 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
3 Paul Jordan from Kidlington in Oxfordshire was suffering the first pains of a heart attack , when his GP told him the agony was caused by a bad bed .
4 His goalkeeping won him the man of the match award .
5 In return his subjects owed him the duty of honouring that peace .
6 It was quieter , with few shops , not one of them interesting , and restaurants which opened with optimistic flourishes and invitations but where , after a few weeks , you could see the desolate owner standing in the doorway wondering where he 'd gone wrong ; his eyes told you the area was n't going to revive in his lifetime .
7 When his lips touched hers the tears overflowed .
8 FOOTNOTE : If it 's any comfort to Mel , his medic told us the toes of windscreen pirates get crushed at the rate of ONE A WEEK on the busy A4 London to Bath road .
9 Mayall 's mastery of technical detail and innovation optimized productivity , while the variety of mills under his control gave him the advantages of flexible specialization .
10 A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy died in hospital after being hit by a car while his father taught him the Green Cross Code .
11 From his knowledge of ‘ Romances , & Relations of Giants & Magicians , & Genii ’ , his mind was soon ‘ habituated to the Vast ’ , and when , walking home to Ottery one winter evening , his father told him the names of the stars ‘ and how Jupiter was a thousand times larger than our world — and that the other twinkling stars were Suns that had worlds rolling round them ’ , Coleridge listened with profound delight , ‘ but without the least mixture of wonder or incredulity ’ .
12 He became recognised as one of the most accomplished half-backs in the Division and his displays won him the approval of the fans on many grounds besides our own .
13 His instinct told him the Englishman 's disappearance was the best chance .
14 The IR visor of his helmet showed him the desert as if by the light of an overcast day .
15 When he went home to his parents ' house in Ealing or to the Barbican , his grandmother drove him the mile and a half to Rickmansworth station , which is up on the northern end of the Metropolitan Line .
16 The prospect of being marooned on Gullholm for days with a Heathcliff bereft of his Cathy gave her the creeps .
17 In 1857 his uncle secured him the post of personal assistant to ( Sir ) Edward Harland [ q.v. ] , the manager of Robert Hickson 's shipyard on Queen 's Island , Belfast .
18 Local gallery owner John Rux-Burton , 33 , claims his grandfather told him the secret of Shingle Street before his death in 1974 .
19 His ear confirmed what the electronic bug had told him shortly before he had entered the suite , namely that there was no sound of movement from within the bedroom , or its adjacent bathroom .
20 Those who liked the Prince called him Slender Billy , while his detractors called him the Young Frog .
21 In fact , he was fishing on a fiord nearby at the precise moment when his detective brought him the news that Lord Mountbatten had been killed .
22 He never earned a degree , but an allowance from his mother gave him the financial independence to devote himself to a career as writer .
23 Mr Lytham , however , when he called at the nursing-home to obtain Dorothy 's signature to her will , was far from happy when his client told him the content of the letter .
24 Muller helped Natal beat Transvaal 14–13 in the Currie Cup final , and his display confirmed what the Springbok selectors suspected — they have a star on their hands .
25 They did not much like Oliver Cromwell and his dangerous toleration of loose religion , but his regime gave them the chance to start again .
26 Either he was smiling , or the gaunt hollows of his face gave him the daunting appearance of a smile .
27 A PILOT called Randy went into a tailspin when his girl-friend gave him the elbow .
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