Example sentences of "his [noun] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He tells everybody his sister gave it to him for Christmas and he does n't really want one , but what with the job and all his meetings it comes in handy .
2 His contemporaries reported him as a master of geological field-mapping techniques and his original maps of many parts of Scotland confirm his observational skills and his ability to locate himself in the wilderness with an accuracy that can not be improved upon with aerial photographs .
3 His enthusiasm carried him to her .
4 His enthusiasm communicated itself to the voters who responded eagerly to his promise of a " New Deal " , and he polled 22 million votes to Hoover 's 15 million , carrying 42 out of 48 states .
5 His defenders saw it as efficiency , his detractors saw it as the uncaring side of Graeme Souness .
6 His fingers laced themselves in the loose strands of her wet hair , pulling her head back so that her body was arched against him , forcing her to face the feverish gleam in the heavy-lidded grey eyes staring down at her so intently .
7 He made her feel incredibly feminine ; the merest touch of his fingers transported her to ecstasies she had never before experienced .
8 His fingers wrapped themselves round her ankles , sliding upwards , making her skin tingle .
9 But Mr Browning had told police his route took him via the M4 , over the Severn Bridge , and not by the more direct route of the M50 .
10 His route took him past the City of Dreams .
11 Conflicts with his superiors deprived him of the prospect of promotion , and at the age of twenty-five he found himself on the retired list , reduced to half pay in 1812 .
12 I believe that it was , or had some connection with , a species of agoraphobia , which in his case manifested itself as an acute fear of heights .
13 Every pilot in his squadron knew it by heart .
14 His opponents accused him of selling out to the United States on North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) with the United States and Mexico and leaving Canada with more unemployed and a bigger public debt than ever .
15 His admission took her by surprise .
16 He more than filled the gap left by Alex ; his presence animated her with a mysterious excitement .
17 I could make up the detections that his presence lost me in a matter of days , and if he thinks he is going to see any wheeling and dealing when he is sitting in , well he 's naive !
18 His presence puzzled her beyond measure .
19 His Mum took him by the shoulders and turned him to face her .
20 His Mum helped herself to peas and poured him lemonade .
21 If his creditors allowed him to be , he would be their vassal for life .
22 His GP referred him to hospital for a whole series of treatments , but nothing worked .
23 His knights took him at his word .
24 As his passion grew , to be answered in kind by her own almost overwhelming desire , his arms tightened their hold and his mouth sought hers with greater urgency .
25 His hand moved more purposefully across her thigh , his mouth sought hers with a more impatient and insistent desire .
26 His mouth prevented her from replying , violently possessing her lips while his hands roughly sought to drag off her bodice completely .
27 His mouth feathered hers with the softness of thistledown and then , incredibly , as her lips would have clung , he moved away from her , and it was like the sting of rejection , the icy dash of water cascading over her heated flesh .
28 And almost before he had finished speaking , his mouth forced itself over hers in a kiss that was clearly designed to punish her for that last remark .
29 His mouth met hers with bruising force , and the clamour inside her head rose to a deafening crescendo , the world twisted and turned , tossing her adrift with the turbulence of a whirlwind .
30 She ran the tip of her tongue over her lips , heard the sharp hiss of Penry 's intake of breath , then his head blotted out the light as his mouth met hers in a kiss which shot a jolt of electricity through every vein in her body .
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