Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So Damon 's giving all his money away to charity , ’ retorts Marlon sardonically .
2 And of Katherine Hepburn : ‘ She ran the gamut of expressions from A to B. ’ One-liners that catch the eye include : The best play I ever slept through ; I 've seen more excitement at the opening of an umbrella ; I saw the play at a disadvantage — the curtain was up ; The scenery was beautiful but the actors got in front of it ; When Mr Wilbur calls his play Halfway to Hell , he underestimates the distance . ’
3 Emotion had darkened his eyes almost to black , shocking her , but otherwise he kept his expression rigidly controlled .
4 Sam dropped his gaze thoughtfully to Midnight 's teeth tearing at his grass , and knew that his dear old bike was doomed .
5 His attitude both to life and art , charming enough in him , when taken up by others as a general cultural ideal becomes something deadly , especially for the English , an intelligent but very lazy people , far too easily bored , and persuaded beyond argument that they are the Herrenvolk .
6 As Joseph led his people away to winter in the Imnaha canyons , however , all the commissioners except Wood signed a report recommending the suppression of all Dreamer shamans , military occupation of the Wallowa and removal ‘ by force ’ of all non-treaty bands .
7 They tell of how the Israelites were caught between the Reed Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army , and how God drove the Egyptians into the sea to drown , while leading his people across to safety .
8 Albert Tarr , a 54-year-old deaf tailor without speech , was standing in the place where he always stood to catch his train home to East Anstey after finishing work .
9 To an incoming Minister , who may owe his appointment more to adeptness in handling argument on paper or on the floor of the House of Commons , such inhibitions can come as an unwelcome surprise .
10 After a final desultory wander round Charterhouse Square , he made his way home to bed .
11 But it had not , and he managed to make his way home to safety .
12 That is unless it 's sold to the sort of person who blasts half of his land away to quarry gravel for motorways , like someone I can think of on the west coast .
13 Thereafter during the 1820s and 1830s he greatly expanded the firm 's architectural side — following his father 's death in 1827 he devoted his time entirely to architecture , leaving the management of the marble works to his younger brother Francis — and established a substantial practice in the north-west and the adjacent parts of Yorkshire .
14 He worked six days a week in his white milking clothes , milking and butter-making , and on the seventh he wore his best suit to take his family proudly to church .
15 The standard NCO , having drawn his victim stiffly to attention , would inform him in colourful and lurid detail on his shortcomings , concluding briskly by observing that he was , for example : ‘ A bleedin ‘ orrible cross-eyed little git . ’
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