Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Man , on the other hand , who within this particular characterization of the nature — culture dichotomy is deemed to lack such natural and visible creative functions , is obliged , or at least has the opportunity , ( to use the words of Ortner ) to assert his creativity externally through the medium of technology , ritual and symbol .
2 John , one of the PPLs at our flying club , had made a beautiful job of building his little Jodel and I had followed his progress closely over the several years it had taken him to complete it .
3 Section 743(4) provides that where an individual has been charged to income tax on any income deemed to be his by virtue of s739 and that income is subsequently received by him , it shall be deemed not to form part of his income again for the purposes of the income tax acts .
4 Section 743(4) provides , specifically , for relief from double taxation : Where an individual has been charged to income tax on any income deemed to be his by virtue of section 739 and that income is subsequently received by him , it shall be deemed not to form part of his income again for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
5 ‘ A boy … ’ he said , his heart still with the wallpaper-stripper .
6 Interspersed with his translation of the books of the Old Testament , which was never completed , were polemical works ; for in light of the reception of his New Testament he felt no need to restrain his views either on the English clergy or on the Roman Catholic Church .
7 This , together with a gremlin who mischievously deflected his fingers away from the right notes — often at crucial if surprisingly undemanding points in the musical argument — added piquant harmonies and dissonances undreamed of by his composers .
8 He looked at the handle of the punch he held , fitting his fingers wonderingly into the shape another hand had worn in it , a good hand , muscular and slender , shaped very much like his own .
9 Harry ran and caught him by the arm , clenching his fingers desperately into the folds of the wide velvet sleeve .
10 Venner grinned amiably around whilst Clinton , as cool as ever , drummed his fingers soundlessly on the table top .
11 She trembled beneath his touch , feeling the warmth of his fingers even through the material of her dress .
12 The driver sat drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel while the attendant busied himself filling the tank , checking the oil and radiator , and wiping the windscreen .
13 Almost she rose through the strata of realities to wakefulness , but then her lover glided his fingers gently over the curve of her jaw to mine pleasure from her throat .
14 He ran his fingers lightly over the soft fabric , exploring the contours of her breasts …
15 Smoothing out the paper he stood staring at it , reading it over and over again , all the while drumming his fingers agitatedly on the grams phone top .
16 Harrison drummed his fingers impatiently against the surface of the table .
17 Lyfing of Crediton doubtless owed his advancement largely to the influence of his uncle Brihtwold of Cornwall and to his own services to Cnut during the 1027 pilgrimage to Rome .
18 She pulled his shirt away at the back of his neck and dropped the document down inside .
19 Vasili glanced over his shoulder , his foot already on the brake and his hand dipping towards the gear lever .
20 In some patients there is a flexor reaction which makes the patient draw his foot away from the floor on contact .
21 If the patient has a positive supporting reaction , the physiotherapist places his foot carefully towards the floor , grading the pressure it receives in order to reduce the automatic reaction of pushing down as soon as it makes contact .
22 " What about , " Graham said , pointing one finger at Slater , who pursed his lips and tapped his foot impatiently on the fire-surround , " those people who like Barry Manilow and John Cage ? "
23 The two-way went dead and Gregson replaced it , pressing his foot harder on the accelerator , coaxing more speed from the Scorpio .
24 Now , with both hands braced , he slid his foot further under the thing 's head and upper shoulder … and heaved again .
25 Flat road , no brakes , and he 's got his foot hard to the floor , it wo n't go any faster .
26 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
27 It 's him on the white horse dropping his money all over the place , and those fellas with the funny bloomers following him .
28 Andrewes would commence by reading out his text both in the English of the Genevan Bible and in the Latin of the Vulgate and would never lose sight of it , frequently repeating it throughout the sermon .
29 No real thought seems to have been bestowed on the important principle involved either by Day J. , who … appears to found his decision simply on the above dictum of Pollock C.B. , which happens to mention corruption , as one of the inapposite illustrations of an unsound proposition , or by Lawrance J. , who contents himself with a bare expression of concurrence .
30 He will hear evidence and submissions from each party ( although these may be written rather than oral ) and is bound to make his decision solely on the evidence presented to him .
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