Example sentences of "his [noun] and [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 If a Prime Minister indicated that he wished to resign because he was ill , the Queen would indeed be acting in accordance with constitutional law if she were then and there to accept his resignation and appoint a successor after taking whatever soundings seemed appropriate .
2 All this could be accounted for by the fact that Picasso was working on a very large scale and found it necessary to simplify his technique and adopt a bolder approach .
3 Will the Chancellor of the Duchy reconsider his decision and pay a visit to the north-west , especially so that he can meet the 800 people a week who have lost their job since this time last year as a result of the Government 's policies ?
4 Last week he asked us to bring our experts along from Leicestershire to meet his experts and have a discussion .
5 When Pierce abandons his band to pluck at his acoustic and wail a Son House/Charlie Patton song like ‘ Pony Blues ’ or Robert Wilkins ' ‘ Alabama Blues ’ , it is hard to tell his performance from the original .
6 Only after he committed suicide in February 1988 did the mass media acknowledge his talents and create a Bashlachev boom .
7 But no , what he actually did was to open up his briefcase and extract a file from it .
8 He or she will glance ostentatiously at his watch , as if to indicate that an expected arrival is late for an appointment and if he happens to meet the glance of a passer-by , he will more often than not look once again at his watch and cast a long-suffering glance at heaven ; as if by recruiting sympathy for a familiar predicament he will pre-empt any suspicion of more suspect motives .
9 Then he struck up an acquaintance with Cassowary , and began to puff out his chest and give a beak-full of cheek to everyone he met ; even to wise old Owl himself !
10 But to his horror he saw the boy cup his hands round his mouth and make a crude and earsplittingly loud imitation of a pheasant 's call .
11 The interdependence of farming and mining , added to technological constraints , restricted the number of days annually available for mining ; the farmer-miner 's smallholding had first claim on his time , and he went to the mine with the limited aim of satisfying , with a minimum of effort , the desire for a particular level of cash-income expectation determined by the need to pay the rent of his holding and purchase a given packet of ‘ industrial ’ goods .
12 He could retain their features in his mind and produce a lifelike sketch from memory .
13 So Rose preaches endurance and strength , focus and discipline of the kind that lets The Amazing Mr Lifto pierce his nipples and suspend a chain and concrete block from them .
14 All he did was to invoke the dubious metaphysical principle of " sufficient reason " in order to ensure the existential uniqueness of his monads and secure a basis for a meaningful distinction between numerical and qualitative identity .
15 The court had taken Harvey away from his father and put him in the foster home ‘ until such time as the father can control his drinking and make a safe home for the boy . ’
16 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
17 The new student will be expected to train daily at his home and attend a club training session at least twice a week .
18 Mr Anderson of Coatham Avenue has applied to Darlington Borough Council for planning permission to demolish a garage at his home and rebuild a detached double garage .
19 Brightly coloured coats , shirts and trousers should be tailored to a tight fit ; an elaborately decorated scarf should encircle his waist and hold a dagger : ‘ With a monthly salary of one hundred rupees let him allot ten rupees for the belt and the embroidered badge if he spends fifty rupees on a fur it will not be prodigality . ’
20 Even F. Nansen , the esteemed Norwegian co-ordinator of many other foreign relief organizations , could on occasion be carried away by his emotions and give a semi-fictional account of conditions in the Volga provinces .
21 Sometimes one of them would leap to his feet and dance a jig before falling over .
22 Joe got to his feet and cast a disparaging glance down towards Len as he said , ‘ Whose place will you put me in , Joad 's ? or Huxley 's ? ’
23 As one contemporary , writing at the end of William 's reign , put it , " One would have thought that the Distinction of Parties was quite worn out , when the Church had quitted the Doctrines of Passive Obedience and Non-resistance " , and had joined with the Whigs and Dissenters to call James to account for his maladministration and establish a liberty of conscience .
24 The sweat was gathering in his brows , getting ready to slide down his nose and make a dewdrop at the end which would either stay there wobbling about very obviously and making him want to sneeze , or force him to draw attention to it by wiping it away .
25 He intended to make a dash for his room and wedge a broken chair-leg under the door to keep the monster out .
26 In the case of human beings of course you have to notice that men seem to have an advantage because as I think I mention i in the lectures , it 's perfectly possible , you see this happening in our own society which is supposed to be monogamous , perfectly possible for a man to get married , raise a family and then in his forties to desert his wife and raise a second family .
27 He left , promising to come down with his wife and make a party of it .
28 Ellwood stayed still for a while , letting the priest set up his tackle and make a couple of casts , then he slithered down to the path .
29 Shiva was astonished to find that Rufus had in fact finished his studies and become a doctor .
30 You must recommend the size of his exhibition and prepare a budget for it .
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