Example sentences of "his [noun] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 As with many of his contemporaries in the 1820s , Doherty came to accept a version of ‘ the right of the labourer to the whole produce of his labour ’ — an analysis of bourgeois society that developed out of the writings of William Thompson [ q.v. ] and his contemporaries .
2 I might have thought that the right hon. Gentleman would draw the attention of the House to his views on the two new clauses , but I do not recall him even mentioning them .
3 And of his views in the 1840s he wrote : " We were now much less democrats than I had been , because so long as education continues to be so wretchedly imperfect , we dreaded the ignorance and especially the selfishness and brutality of the mass … " ( p. 138 )
4 Tommy Steele has been chosen for the award for his part in the 1970 's musical Hans Andersen , in which he played the title role .
5 Azhar had been sentenced to death in 1982 for his part in the 1981 hijacking by IIRC guerrillas of a domestic airliner to Thailand [ see pp. 32256-57 ] .
6 The talks were held to discuss the situation in Northern Ireland and to commemorate Connolly , the Edinburgh-born socialist and Sinn Fein member executed for his part in the 1916 Easter Rising .
7 He also called to mind the noble Earl 's father , Lord Kilmarnock , beheaded in London for his part in the '45 ; the son who hosted Boswell and Johnson broke with the family 's rebellious tradition and sided with the King and London .
8 Lucy 's four main contacts were Major General Oster who was the head of the Abwehr ; Admiral Canaris who was later hanged for his part in the 1944 bomb plot ; Carl Goehdeler who was leader of the official opposition to Hitler ; and Colonel Boetzel , the commanding officer of Intelligence Evaluation .
9 And caretaker boss Malcolm Crosby is ready to gamble on 21-year-old Warren Hawke best remembered for his part in the 1990 play-offs victory at Newcastle .
10 His part in the 1960 British film A French Mistress was also largely unnoticed , but it was significant as his first step into the world of ‘ grown-up ’ films after his starring roles for the Children 's Film Foundation .
11 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
12 He looked into his tent at the two dark cowled figures squatting there .
13 On 28 January 1834 , before the payment dates of the second and third notes , Samuel Revill offered and the plaintiff accepted £100 in discharge of his liability on the three notes .
14 ‘ He put his foot between the two bottom rungs of the ladder and then caught at the upright to save himself from staggering .
15 The gap between the British and Prussian armies was still very narrow , yet Sharpe 's news proved that the Emperor had his foot between the two doors and , in the morning , he would be heaving damned hard to drive the doors apart .
16 Arkle continued to prove himself a chaser of extraordinary ability — in effect , a freak — before untimely retirement was forced on him after he broke a bone in his foot in the 1966 King George VI Chase at Kempton Park , while Mill House had his own moment of Sandown Park glory when winning the Whitbread Gold Cup in a desperate finish in 1967 .
17 The only good sign in his game was his play of the par-threes , two under par for the two rounds .
18 As Olivier Todd notes in his preface to the 1978 edition , " Even after leaving the PC five months later , Nizan does not become a liberal .
19 Seth had been defeated by Horus but took legal action to establish his claim to the throne of Osiris by bringing his case before the nine gods of Heliopolis .
20 Indeed , as C. S. L. Davies has suggested , the arrogance with which he treated his fellow-councillors in the two years before his fall in October 1549 may owe a lot to his outstanding success at Pinkie , when he may have believed that he was about to achieve what some of the greatest of English kings had failed to do .
21 Arraigned on the same charge , Ren Wanding , the veteran human rights activist , who had previously been imprisoned for four years for his activities in the 1978-79 Democracy Movement , was given a more severe seven-year sentence with three years ' deprivation of political rights , having refused to show repentance for his " grave " crimes .
22 His bill was intended to deprive the debtor of the power of insulting his creditor on the one hand and to restrain the creditor from tyrannizing over his debtor on the other .
23 In no sense whatever was Korean communism a monolithic movement ; it was riddled with internal divisions and did not become relatively unified until Kim Il Sung purged his opponents in the 1950s after the Korean War .
24 Radio Monte Carlo reported on Aug. 29 that Syria had released Nureddin al-Atasi , President from February 1966 until his overthrow by the 1970 bloodless coup which brought Assad to power , after 22 years ' imprisonment .
25 Following his experience of the 1880s , Wilson 's initial approach to the problem of foreign seamen was to regard them as a danger to his union , both in providing cheap labour and in posing a threat to its policy of restricting the manning of ships to its own members .
26 His accounts of the two symphonies and Falstaff have all these qualities in full measure , and yet in the symphonies every movement 's structure is well conveyed .
27 Hartlepool 's £60,000 striker Andy Saville went out to celebrate only hours after his debut in the 2–0 derby win over Darlington at the weekend .
28 The Selhurst sick parade already includes Chris Coleman and Paul Williams , while top scorer Chris Armstrong is Cup-tied and teenager George Ndah — who made his debut in the 1-1 draw at Anfield a fortnight ago — faces a late test on a gashed leg .
29 He was a late starter in the racing game , being 26 when he made his debut in the 1948 Manx Grand Prix , riding a Norton .
30 John Copians , co-founder of the journal Artforum and ex-director of the museums of Pasadena and Akron , made his debut in the Seventies with Hard Edge abstractions , and in tandem developed a profound interest in the history and aesthetics of photography which has taken him , over the course of the past ten years , to the production of self-portraits executed as universal images .
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