Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 There will be a liaison judge in the Crown Court who will see it as part of his function to liaise with the lay magistrate and to meet them and to discuss erm such matters as erm sentencing principles with them .
2 The greater part dealt with the Greek colonies but his heart lay with the Scyths and their affinities , a topic which he addressed in his 1942 British Academy lecture , The Art of the Northern Nomads ( 1944 ) .
3 The thundering of his heart merged with the beat of her own blood , deafening her to everything around them .
4 Jake sat back in his chair , his fingers toying with the glass paperweight , yet looking totally composed again , back to his old self .
5 His fingers tightened with a menacing precision that kept her absolutely motionless .
6 Robyn watched as his hands moulded and caressed each silken mound , heard the gasp of delight escape from her own lips as his fingers played with the darkened peaks .
7 His fingers dispensed with the buttons on the front of her dress and his hands , warm and firm and so , so clever , slipped inside and teased at the lace of her bra .
8 The starched front of his shirt parted with a clatter , he dropped the handful of studs into an ashtray and kicked off his black patent-leather shoes .
9 Even Alexander , in October 1825 , had gone back on his decision to deal with the Greek question unilaterally and had instigated talks on Greece with Britain .
10 Defending his decision to meet with the South African delegation he said the conversation had dwelt on the future and potential business investment in the country .
11 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what are his plans to assist with the repair and protection of the electricity supply in the event of severe weather conditions .
12 The second was that Article 3(1) of the Directive' the transferor 's rights and obligations arising from a contract of employment or from an employment relationship existing on the date of a transfer within the meaning of Article 1(1) shall , by reason of such transfer , be transferred to the transferee' did not require an employee who was opposed to the transfer to have his contract transferred with the business .
13 After Denzil had gone to work his driver returned with the car and took them shopping .
14 That was Lars , his accent thickening with the fear which now drove them all .
15 Both his coups began with a ruthless pre-emptive strike from a position of strength .
16 Both his coups began with a ruthless pre-emptive strike from a position of strength .
17 In this chapter John Fish draws on his experience working with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) to provide an international perspective on the opportunities in work , training and education for young people with disabilities or learning difficulties .
18 His colleagues at the NSC , John Lang continued , had given him the nickname ‘ Knight Rider ’ , after the television hero ( ’ one man and his machine , dedicated to the righting of wrongs ’ ) , for his disappearances to confer with the contras .
19 Tesfaye Gebre Kidan continued to appeal for a ceasefire and to impress on foreign ambassadors his willingness to negotiate with the rebels .
20 His hand hurt , his mouth ached with the expression of tense anguish he knew he wore , water ran from his hair , over his face , down his back .
21 There was a nerve at the side of his mouth quivering with the effort of control .
22 His neat modern home — his study stuffed with the 100 or so original runners for the 1989 Booker Prize , whose judging panel he is chairing — is still close to the University of Birmingham , where he became Professor of English in 1976 , but he took early retirement two years ago .
23 A keen follower of fashions , he had been a notable Ted in his day , but had now abandoned the narrow trousers and sharp haircut in favour of golden locks curling on his shoulders worn with a loose striped robe bought in Egypt .
24 The world exploded into popping blue circles as his irises clamped shut and his retinas screamed with the shock , like somebody who 'd dived into Caribbean waters and found them as cold as Arctic slush .
25 He spoke of ‘ a new age , in which people can come together ’ , directed his administration to deal with the reorganization of pensions , housing , the improvements to maternity homes and the reorganization of the poor law .
26 His loyalty to Phil sets his blood circulating with a pleasant warmth .
27 His blood mingled with the red wine of the Mass .
28 His side ended with a total of 311 , he having contributed 162 .
29 Flynn failed to reappear after the interval but his side began with an onslaught which brought seven corners in the opening 15 minutes , all to no avail .
30 ‘ I have got a very good deal , and it came virtually out of the blue , ’ said the Doncaster-based rider , who until last week thought his future lay with a new team being planned in Belgium .
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