Example sentences of "they too [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Birmingham , corner boys and street gangs were known as ‘ Peaky Blinders ’ , or less commonly as ‘ Sloggers ’ , and they too had adopted the standard uniform of bell-bottom trousers , neck scarf , heavy belt , peaked cap and short cropped hair with a ‘ donkey fringe ’ .
2 It amused him for a moment to speculate about the others , if they too had seen the paragraph and whether they had been astonished and afraid .
3 On their tiny battery portable they too had seen the transatlantic moppet .
4 He was reminded of his childhood and of his father 's farm ; they too had kept a couple of goats .
5 But the Germans really had little to boast about ; they too had made a major blunder early on by concentrating on the construction of Zeppelins , and their maintenance of technical superiority during most of the war was almost entirely thanks to the brilliance of a twenty-five-year-old Dutchman , Tony Fokker .
6 Six thousand miles away , Jill and Peter felt they too had made an investment of their time and the company 's money and pleaded with Bernard for a little longer to educate the American customer .
7 They too had imbibed the market culture , it seemed .
8 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
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