Example sentences of "they also [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In gold shops they also burn off mercury on a huge scale .
2 They also looked at waste minimisation and treatment processes .
3 In London Whigs and Dissenters not only organised counter-demonstrations , where they burnt effigies of the Pope , the Pretender and Tory defectors , but they also engaged in vigilante activity , as they sought to suppress the activities of the Jacobite crowds .
4 4.5 Consider the following sentences : ( 33 ) we believe the detective innocent Leonard proved the theorem incorrect Atkins will guarantee her picture authentic We can perhaps take it as self-evident that these do not contain attributive adjectives , but they also differ from predicate qualifiers .
5 They also argue in favour of it on grounds of continuity s so the two arguments here are one , democracy and one continuity .
6 In this fashion , the Lugbara deity represents certain general phenomena and inescapable universal afflictions such as death ( which they also connect with witchcraft ) .
7 They also raised for consideration the possibility of reducing the period beyond the end of the accounting year in which solicitors must submit their report from 6 to 3 months .
8 Erm I was going to pick up on a number of points that have been raised by previous speakers , but erm Mr Grigson and Mr Curtis seem to have er dealt with a few of those , erm just with regard to the the table put in by C P R E , with their figures , I would just agree with Mr Cur er Mr Grigson that there is a very substantial degree of double counting in those figures , there is also a very substantial degree of over provision in the allowance for for conversions , er past conversion rates in Greater York have averaged something like twenty nine dwellings per year , over a fifteen year period your talking about four hundred and thirty five dwellings , which is the figure that both York City Council and ourselves have have made allowance for for conversions , that compares with a figure of a thousand dwellings referred to by the C P R E and I see no foundation for that figure , erm , as I say Mr Curtis already picked up on the point about windfalls rates by Mr Thomas , erm just turning to the difference between the tables er submitted by the County Council and York City Council on the the residue within the er Greater York area , I would accept the figure , the figures put in the tables by Mr er by Mr Curtis , I think that they have picked up the the more recent planning permissions and the completions information , and they also take on board there more recent work on erm development within the city , and I I accept that table .
9 They also suffer from scale formation in hard water areas .
10 Again , the songs vary from group to group , but they also evolve over time .
11 Port Talbot had a large and vital steelworks , and moonlit nights almost always brought the Luftwaffe , but they also came in daylight .
12 They also remarked with astonishment a sort of combat between God and her without being able to determine whether God was more occupied in seeking in the secrets of his wisdom the means of exercising her by suffering than she was disposed to suffer for his love ; for she showed an incredible avidity for crosses and an invincible patience over her trials and over every affliction which Almighty God sent to exercise her love and fidelity .
13 They also asked for footpath improvements to protect pedestrians and other measures to minimize disruption .
14 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
15 Yet they also speak of resilience and creative intervention in life , particularly the women .
16 Smart cards are perhaps the best known of the devices in the fight against school-dodging and they also contribute to security and safety .
17 They also serve as case studies of crimes against property , the person and the state .
18 Of course the mass media are not concerned only with information giving/exchange ; they also communicate in order to entertain .
19 They also deal with persecution — by the religious as well as of the religious .
20 They also possessed in skipper Gerrie Mans a nuggety customer blessed withe a wicked turn of pace .
21 The posts stuck into the rock to your right as you ascend are markers for winter to stop people going off the edge ; they also double as abseil posts for a quick escape route .
22 They also discussed at length the issue of aid for the Soviet Union .
23 on the one hand the transport federation and the confederation support the demands of the railway sector at the negotiating table , and on the other hand , let us say , they also call for prudence and moderation when they realise that these demands may not be achievable , and rather than lead people over the precipice and into more strikes that will not have positive outcomes , they recommend the adoption of an approach based on increased dialogue and the moderation of demands .
24 On the joint initiative of France and West Germany , they also set in motion a process expected to lead by the end of 1990 to the holding of an intergovernmental conference on EC political union .
25 They also varied with respect to the loci of changes envisaged , and the relationship between the project initiatives and the past , current and proposed developments in the school 's curricular , extra-curricular and infrastructural dimensions .
26 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
27 They also called for pension assets to be kept separate from company funds in the wake of the Daily Mirror scandal when Maxwell stole Pounds 400 million from his pensioners .
28 The ostensible objectives of SWAP were scientific but they also allowed for mischief .
29 They also complained about unfairness , but there was no willingness to look at the charges or to have proper consultation with local authorities to see how they and the Government could work together to improve the general standards of our beaches .
30 Not only may the boundaries of competence vary in distribution and number , they also vary in quality .
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