Example sentences of "they can [not/n't] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 AMERICAN businessmen have been A turning up their noses at video conferencing because they can not smell each other .
2 Ministers can claim until they are blue in the face that students are getting more money and that they have never had it so good , but they can not justify those claims by reference to the facts , which show that students are significantly worse off than they were previously .
3 They can not endure any pressure on the pit of the throat .
4 The Germans say that they can not absorb that number , and country after country is saying the same .
5 Whilst the councillors determine policy , they can not do this to the full without the constant advice and help of the chief officers .
6 Having died they can not do this themselves , but the Roman Catholic church teaches that the cleansing can be effected by the ‘ prayers and … good works ’ of those still alive .
7 And I reach out personally from the patients ' and the public 's point of view , to the people out there , that sit in their ivory towers in the homes , and say , they can not do this to our hospitals .
8 They can not do this again without expecting us to cause trouble .
9 But they can not do this if their minds and emotions are already sealed tight against it — if they assume that religion is outdated and not worth studying .
10 If our staff are worried about problems at home or work they can not achieve that , ’ said , staff relations manager with Standard Life in Edinburgh , explaining the company 's decision to provide an Employee Assistance Programme ( EAP ) .
11 There is no way they can not go all the way yet again ’ — CIARAN FITZGERALD ( Ireland coach ) after the 38–9 drubbing at the hands of England at Twickenham .
12 However , because the individual has settled here the Government say that they can not send that person back .
13 We can learn an enormous amount from studying the constraints imposed upon classes , whether by structures or the class struggle , but they can not resolve all the questions we wish to ask .
14 Thus , without prior agreement , they may not disclose confidential information to their backers as this could damage the business of the company and affect the price which the vendors may be able to obtain for their shares ; they may not be able to vote at board meetings on major issues affecting the company if those issues might adversely affect a possible management buy-out ; and they can not involve any of their colleagues in the buy-out or persuade staff to become involved .
15 Obviously they can not raise all the issues connected with insider evaluation so other examples are drawn on , but in less detail , in the final ‘ Issues ’ section of this chapter .
16 For example , they characterize a state of Keynesian unemployment as one in which workers can not , in the aggregate , reach the L s curve in Figure 5.9 and in which employers , since they can not sell all of the output that they would like to produce , can not reach the L d curve .
17 The disadvantage that besets British firms is that they can not sell enough products in the UK to generate the cash needed to promote their wares overseas and develop new products .
18 Some BAT leaders have stated that the problem they have with places like Ballymurphy is that they can not get any community leadership to support , financially and otherwise .
19 In Mandalay Burmans are making bricks because they can not get enough timber to rebuild their houses , tho' Burma is a land of timber .
20 If the children in Durham Cathedral do not have a sense of what it would cost them to break the vow of sanctuary they can not have much interest vested in keeping it .
21 But the needs of animals , what we see to be , in their interest' , can not be guided by their own views of themselves for ( lacking language ) they can not have any .
22 Our cell culture experiments do not support this suggestion as they did not show the synergy between EGF and TAGH that would be predicted , but because of the inhibitory effect of TAGH alone at the concentrations used , they can not refute this possibility .
23 If they can not find that extra 9 per cent .
24 ‘ If you add the £4 for a referee , it is a lot of money , and there are teams which will just fold up because they can not find that kind of money .
25 All I would claim is that given the existence of this phenomenon of extensive , very long-term memory of the campaigns of successful brands , the onus is on the mathematicians to disprove the existence of any long-term effect : the fact that they can not find such an effect , with the somewhat rudimentary apparatus at their disposal , is not enough .
26 Regarding the diabetic specialist nurse , yes , of course we would welcome a special unit , but that does seem a bit extravagant when they say they can not find enough money for one nurse .
27 What they really mean is that they can not find any acceptable community leadership to support .
28 Their anxiety if they can not fill such a gap is close to laughable .
29 CBHPs also hold that ‘ every citizen is entitled to effective and accessible health services … at all times and at any given stage of the peoples ’ development but recognize that they can not provide these services .
30 This allows them to generate a plausible pronunciation for a non-word like ‘ blasp ’ , but means that they can not pronounce many irregular words correctly .
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